Public Bidding

CHMSU 25-006-0224-I - Labor and Materials for the General Rehabilitation of Passenger's Elevator at Administration Building - Talisay Campus

CHMSU 25-004-0911-S - Procurement of Security Services (Manpower Only) - Four Campuses

CHMSU 25-004-0911-S - Procurement of Janitorial Services (Manpower Only) - Four Campuses

CHMSU 24-032-0930-G - Procurement of Desktop Computers and ICT Supplies for the BSIT CAD Laboratory - Talisay Campus

CHMSU 24-029-0722-G - Procurement of Various ICT Equipment, Supplies and Consumables of the University

CHMSU 24-028-0722-G - Procurement of Common-use Supplies for the University

CHMSU-24-027-0701-I - Design and Build for the Enhancement of Electrical Power System at Binalbagan Campus

CHMSU-24-026-0701-I - Upgrading of Electrical Main Line System (Phase 2) - Alijis Campus

CHMSU-24-025-0529-G - Procurement of ICT Equipment for the Upgrading of Alijis, Fortune Towne and Talisay Campuses Computer Laboratories and the Alijis Campus Library

CHMSU 24-024-0520-G - Procurement of Private Branch Exchange Upgrading with Installation and Configuration for the Various University Offices

CHMSU 24-023-0520-I - Repair and Enhancement of BSBA Room 4, Room 5 (Accounting Laboratory) and Room 6 - Binalbagan Campus

CHMSU 24-022-0520-I - Conversion of MM Rooms 3 and 4 to Students Support Offices - Alijis Campus

CHMSU 24-019-0415-I - Renovation of Campus Gymnasium - Fortune Towne Campus

Other Files

CHMSU 24-018-0415-I - Conversion and Rehabilitation of Room 116 & 117 at LSA Building into GAD Resource Center (116) and Child Minding Area (117) - Talisay Campus

CHMSU 24-017-0415-I - Rehabilitaion of Toilets in LSA Building - Left Wing Ground Floor (Male) - Talisay Campus

CHMSU 24-016-0415-G - Procurement of Various Equipment of Aquaculture Fisheries Laboratory for Instructional and Research of the College of Fisheries - Binalbagan Campus

CHMSU 24-015-0327-I - Re-Engineering of Existing Access Road Between Research Hub and LSA Building and Repair of Gate 4 - Talisay Campus

CHMSU 24-014-0327-I - Procurement of Perimeter Fence Along Malunsi Creek (Phase 1) - Talisay Campus

CHMSU 24-013-0226-G - Procurement of ICT Supplies and Equipment

CHMSU 24-012-0226-G - Procurement of Outdoor Conrete Lounge Sets for the Four (4) Campuses (2nd Publication)

CHMSU 24-011-0124-G - Procurement of Various Equipment of Capture Fisheries Laboratory for Instructional and Research of the College of Fisheries - Binalbagan Campus

CHMSU 24-010-0122-G - Procurement of Physical Laboratory Equipment of the Instructional use of the College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus

CHMSU 24-009-0122-G - Procurement of Biology Laboratory Equipment for the Instructional use of the College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus

CHMSU 24-008-0122-G - Procurement of Consolidated Furniture and Fixtures for the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSU 24-007-0117-G - Procurement of Outdoor Concrete Lougne Sets for the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSU 24-006-0104-G - Procurement of University Vehicles (2nd Publication)

CHMSU 24-005-1109-G - Procurement of University Vehicles

CHMSU 24-004-1031-S - Procurement of Security Services (Manpower Only) for the Universitywide

CHMSU 24-003-1019-I - Construction of Training Center Building at Jesus Fermin Campus

CHMSU 24-002-1010-S - Procurement of Janitorial Services (Manpower Only) for the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSU 24-001-1010-G - Procurement of Termite Treatment and Control for the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSU 23-033-1016-I - Enhancement of IT Building Roofting - Phase 2 at Fortune Towne Campus (2nd Publication)

CHMSU 23-032-1010-G - Procurement of Laboratory and Measurement Equipment for Research and Instructional use the College of Fisheries Laboratory at Binalbagan Campus (2nd Publication)

CHMSU 23-028-0807-G - Procurement of Advanced Electronic Training Assessment System for the Interactive Laboratory Learning System Upgrades of the Electronics and Electrical Technology Courses of the College of Industrial

CHMSU 23-027-0807-G - Procurement of Consolidated Office and Janitorial Supplies of the University

CHMSU 23-026-0719-I - Repair and Enhancement of PE Building at Binalbagan Campus (2nd Publiaction)

CHMSU 23-025-0719-G - Repair of Gate 1 and 2 for Entrance of Pedestrians in Preparaion of Turnstile Gate System, Phase 1 at alijis Campus

CHMSU 23-024-0719-G - Procurement of Various Air-Conditioning Units with Installation and Testing for the University Libraries

CHMSU 23-023-0719-G - Procurement of Materials Testing and Surveying Laboratory Equipment for the BSCE Program - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication)

CHMSU 23-020-0619-I - Enhancement of University Library Extension (Phase 3) - Talisay Campus

CHMSU 23-019-0619-I - Uploading of Electrical Main Line System (Phase 1) - Alijis Campus

CHMSU 23-016-0509-G - Procurement of Speech Laboratory Equipment for Binalbagan Campus

CHMSU 23-015-0509-G - Procurement of Integrated Library System Software for Alijis Binalbagan Campuses

CHMSU 23-011-0405- I - Electrical System Upgrade (Phase 1) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental

CHMSU 23-010-0405- G - Procurement of CCTV Systems, IT Equipment and Supplies for Instructional and Office use of the University

CHMSU 23-009-0405- G - Procurement of Materials Testing and Surveying Laboratory Equipment for the BSCE Program - Talisay Campus

CHMSU 23-008-0306- I - Renovation of LSA Building Male Toilet Second Floor - Left Wing (Labor and Materials) Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Talisay City, Negros Occidental

CHMSU 23-007-0306-G - Procurement of One (1) Unit Motor Vehicle, Van Type for the Conduct of Research and Development Services Activities of the University

CHMSU 23-006-0215-G - Procurement of Various Acrylic Sheets for the FABLAB NOCDELIGHT - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication)

CHMSC 22-044-1102-G - Procurement of ICT Equipment and Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (2nd Publication)

CHMSC 22-043-1102-G - Procurement of Ready Made and Customized Aflex Furniture and Fixtures for the Library - Talisay Campus

CHMSC 22-036-0729-I - Procurement of Aqua Laboratory Into School Canteen (Labor and Materials) - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 22-035-0729-I - Procurement of Additional Convenience Outlets for Wall Fans, Smart TVs and Other Accessories (Labor and Materials) for CHMSU Alijis, Binalbagan and Fortune Towne Campuses

CHMSC 22-034-0729-G - Procurement of Wall Mounted Electric Fans in Preparation for the Face to Face Classes of the Four Campuses

CHMSC 22-033-0729-G - Renovation of Gymnasium Toilet (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 22-032-0711-G - Rehabilitation of Drainage System (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 22-031-0711-G - Rehabilitation of Drainage System (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 22-030-0711-G - Rehabilitation of LSA Building Front Facade (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 22-029-0711-G - Procurement of Furniture for the Various Offices of the University

CHMSC 22-028-0623-I - Installation of Convenience Outlets and Conversion of Ceiling Light to LED Light in the Lecture Rooms and Laboratory Rooms (Labor and Materials) Talisay Campus

CHMSC 22-027-0623-I - Procurement of College Library Extension (Laboratory and Materials) - Talisay Campus

CHMSC 22-026-0608-I - Upgrading of TVEP Building - Phase 2 (Labor and Materials) Alijis Campus

CHMSC 22-025-0608-I - Roofing and Perimeter Partition at the Green Building Roof Deck - Right Wing 2 Span (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus

CHMSC 22-024-0608-I - Construction of Sidewalk canopy of the CHMSU - Talisay Campus Front Facade (Labor and Materials)

CHMSC 22-023-0518-G - Procurement of Dedicated Server Cloud Hoting Subscription - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication)

CHMSC 22-022-0518-G - Procurement of Automotive and Garments Technology Equipment for the Mobile Training Bus for skills on Wheels Program of the College Industrial Technology - Talisay Campus

CHMSC 22-021-0518-G - Procurement of Interative Laboratory Learning System Upgrades for Electronics and Electrical Technology Programs of the College of Industrial Technology - Talisay Campus

CHMSC 22-020-0518-G - Procurement of Various Furniture (Semi-Expendable) for Various Offices of the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSC 22-018-0428-G - Procurement of Desktop Computer for PPDM use on Lumion Application of the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSC 22-017-0428-G - Procurement of Integrated Library system Software - Talisay Campus

CHMSC 22-016-0420-G - Procurement of Various Laboratory Equipment for COPC and Accreditation Compliance of the College of Fisheries (Post-Harvest Laborarory) - binalbagan Campus

CHMSC 22-015-0420-G - Procurement of Various Equipment for the Post-Harvest Laboratory ( COPC and Accreditaion Requirements) - Binalbagan Campus

CHMSC 22-011-0324-G - Procurement of Various Equipment for the Post-Harvest Laboratory ( COPC and Accreditaion Requirements) - Binalbagan Campus

CHMSC 22-010-0324-I - Procurement of Uninterruptible Power Supply with Installation for Replacement and UPgrading In the Collegewide Data Centers of the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSC 22-009-0324-I - Conversion of Lecture Rooms to New Classroom Setting (Carpentry Works - Phase 1) For 32 Lecture Rooms and 33 Laboratory Rooms (Labor and Materials) Talisay Campus

CHMSC 22-008-0302-G - Procurement of Innovative E-Solutions Software for Instructional use of Various Shops of the College of Industrial Technology - Talisay Campus

CHMSC 22-007-0302-G - Procurement of CCTV Systems for ETGB and BSIS Computer Laboratory and on 3rd and 4th floor LSA Building - Talisay Campus

CHMSC 22-006-0302-G - Procurement of All in one Desktop Computers for the Computer Laboratories of Alijis and Binalbagan Campuses and Internet Center of Talisay

CHMSC 22-005-0302-G - Procurement of Milfare RFID and color Ribbon Kit Printing of ID's of the Fourth (4) Campuses

CHMSC 22-001-1006-I - Design and Build for the Conversion of Post-Harvest Laboratory Building Into a Two-Storey Fishery Technology Building (Phase 3) - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 21-064-1206-I - Procurement of Perimeter Partition at Green Building Roof Deck (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Bgry. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 21-056-1020-G - Procurement of Desktop Computers, Smart Televisions and All in One Desktop Computers for PPDM, Instructional use in Architectural Drafting and Libraries of the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSC 21-055-1020-G - Procurement of Various Furniture for Research and Development Services Office and Unit Coordinators of the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSC 21-054-1020-G - Procurement of 500-Seat Teaching Tool License Software for BS Computer Engineering CAD Class and for COPC Compliance - alijis Campus

CHMSC 21-053-1019-G - Procurement of Two (2) Units 167 KVA Transformer with Mounting and Complete Accessories - Binalbagan Campus

CHMSC 22-052-1019-I - Renovation/Improvement of Rooms 10-15, Hallways/Corridors and Center Stage (Labor and Materials) - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental (2nd Publication)

CHMSC 22-051-1019-I - Renovation and Conversion of Old Student Dormitory Into School Medical and Dental Clinic (Labor and Materials) - Fortune Towne Campus, Brgy. Estefania, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 21-050-0922-I - Construction of Campus Access Road (60.00M) North Gate to Existing Campus Road - Phase 2 (Labor and Materials) - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 21-049-0920-I - Enhancement of IT Building Roofing - Phase 1 (Labor and Materials) - Fortune Towne Campus, Brgy. Estefania, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 21-048-0920-I - Drilling and Rehabilitation of Main Water Pipe Line Network (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 21-047-0906-G - Procurement of Sic (6) Units Laptop for Replacement of Units to Research and Development Center for Geographic Information System (RDCGIS) - Alijis Campus (2nd Publication) (2nd Publication)

CHMSC 21-046-0906-G - Procurement of Various Kitchen Tools for Instructional use of Foods Trade Technology - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication)

CHMSC 21-045-0825-I - Coversion of Room 7 Into Medical and Dental Health Clinic - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 21-044-0825-G - Procurement of LED Televisions and Flash Drives for Faculty Instructional use of the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSC 21-041-0803-I - Renovation/Improvement of Rooms 10-15, Hallways/Corridors and Center Stage - Phase 1 (Labor and Materials) - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 21-040-0803-I - Proposed Improvement of College Library Extension (Labo and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental (2nd Publication)

CHMSC 21-035-0713-I - Upgrading of TVEP Building - Phase 1 (Labor and Materials) - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 21-034-0511-G - Procurement of Various IT Equipment for the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSC 21-033-0511-G - Procurement of Learning Management System Software for Faculty and Students Instructional use and University Hood Requirements for the Four (4) Campuses

CHMSC 21-032-0511-I - Proposed Improvement of College Library Extension (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental

CHMSC 21-031-0505-G - Procurement of Various Furnitures for the College Library - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication)

CHMSC 21-030-0505-G - Procurement of Air-Conditioning Units for Various Offices of Alijis, Fortune Towne and Talisay Campus

CHMSC 21-029-0414-I - Library Enhancement and Extension (Labor and Materials) - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental(CHMSC 21-029-0414-I)

CHMSC 21-028-0405-G - Procurement of Learning Management System Software for Faculty and Students Instructional use and University Hood Requirements for the Four (4) Campuses(CHMSC 21-028-0405-G)

CHMSC 21-027-0405-G - Procurement of Various Kitchen Tools for Instruction use of Foods Trade Technology - Talisay Campus(CHMSC 21-027-0405-G)

CHMSC 21-026-0405-G - Procurement of Matlab Software for COPC Compliance - Alijis Campus(CHMSC 21-026-0405-G)

CHMSC 21-025-0315-G - Proposed Bus Garage (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental (CHMSC 21-024-0311-I)

CHMSC 21-024-0311-I - Proposed Bus Garage (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental (CHMSC 21-025-0315-G)

CHMSC 21-023-0303-G - Procurement of Caching Server with Installation to Improve the Bandwidth Utilization and Faster Web Connection for the Four (4) Campuses (CHMSC 21-023-0303-G)

CHMSC 21-022-0303-G - Procurement of Seventy-Two (72) Units All in One Desktop Computers with Kensington Lock Security for Upgrading of Computer Laboratory at Binalbagan and Talisay Campus (CHMSC 21-022-0303-G)

CHMSC 21-018-0210-G - Procurement of Mifare RFID and color Ribbon Kit for Printing of ID's of the Four (4) Campuses (CHMSC 21-018-0210-G)

CHMSC 21-014-0208-G - Procurement of Various Laboratory equipment for surveying class (CHMSC 21-014-0208-G)

CHMSC 21-013-0208-G - Procurement of Various Furnitures for the College Library - Talisay Campus (CHMSC 21-013-0208-G)

CHMSC 21-012-0201-G - Procurement of Bullet Recovery Box and Gun Vault for Instructional use of College of Criminal Justice - Binalbagan Campus
(CHMSC 21-012-0201-G)

CHMSC 21-011-0201-G - Procurement of Various Dental Suppliers and Equipement for the Four (4) Campuses (CHMSC 21-011-0201-G)

CHMSC 21-010-0201-G - Procurement of Sewing Machines for Instructional use of Fashion and Apparel (BSIT) - Talisay Campus (CHMSC 21-010-0201-G)

CHMSC 21-007-1114-G - Procurement of Polygraph Room Equipment, Fire Equipment and First Aid and Water Survival Equipemnt for College of Criminal Justice - Binalbagan Campus (CHMSC 21-007-1114-G)

CHMSC 21-006-1114-G - Procurement of Structural Analysis and Design Software (for 50 Seats) for College of Engineering Computer Laboratory - Talisay Campus (CHMSC 21-006-1114-G)

CHMSC CHMSC 21-005-1112-S - Procurement of Security Services for the Four (4) Campuses (CHMSC 21-005-1112-S)

CHMSC 21-004-1112-S - Procurement of Janitorial Services (Manpower Only) for the Four (4) Campuses (21-004-1112-S)

CHMSC 21-003-1112-G - Procurement of Termite Treatment and Control for the For (4) Campuses (21-003-1112-G)

CHMSC 21-002-1107-I - Proposed Design and Build for the Upgrading of Post-Harvest Laboratory Building Into Two-Storey Fishery Technology Laboratory Building (Phase II) - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental (21-002-1107-I)

CHMSC 21-001-1107-I - Design and Build for the Converion of Motor Pool into a Criminilogy Laboratory Building - Binalbagan Campus, brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental (21-001-1107-I)

CHMSC 20-035-1107-G - Procurement of Various Science Laboratory Equipment for College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication) (20-035-1107-G)

CHMSC 20-034-1027-G - Procurement of Various Science Laboratory Equipment for College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication) (20-034-1027-G)

CHMSC 20-033-1023-G - Procurement of Printing Press Equipment for the Colleges' Printing Needs and Income Resource Generation - Talisay Campus (20-033-1023-G)

CHMSC 20-032-1006-G - Procurement of Printing Press Equipment for the Colleges' Printing Needs and Income Resource Generation - Talisay Campus (20-032-1006-G)

CHMSC 20-032-1006-G - Procurement of Printing Press Equipment for the Colleges' Printing Needs and Income Resource Generation - Talisay Campus (20-032-1006-G)

CHMSC 20-031-1002-I - Proposed Training Center (Labor and Materials) - Fermin Campus, Municipality of Enrique B. Magalona, Negros Occidental (20-031-1002-I)

CHMSC 20-030-0930-G - Procurement of Air-Conditioning Units, LED Smart TV and Various Science Laboratory Equipment for College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication) (20-030-0930-G)

CHMSC 20-029-0930-G - Procurement of Various Equipment and Furniture and Fixtures for Instructional use of BSHM - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication) (20-029-0930-G)

CHMSC 20-028-0924-G - Procurement of Notebook Computers for Instructional use Permanent Faculty of the Four (4) Campuses (20-028-0924-G)

CHMSC 20-027-0924-G - Procurement of all in desktop computers with kensington lock security slot for upgrading of computer laboratory at Fortune Towne Campus (20-027-0924-G)

CHMSC 20-026-0922-G - Procurement of Various Crimininology Laboratory Equipment and Supplies for Instructional use - Binalbagan Campus (20-026-0922-G)

CHMSC 20-022-0720-G - Procurement of Various Crimininology Laboratory Equipment and Supplies for Instructional use - Binalbagan Campus (20-022-0720-G)

CHMSC 20-021-0624-G - Procurement of Various Consumables for Printers and Photocopier of the Four (4) Campuses (2nd Pub) (20-021-0624-G)

CHMSC 20-020-0617-I - Proposed Design and Build for the Construction of Covered Court (Phase 1) - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan City, Negros Occidental (2nd Publication) (20-020-0617-I)

CHMSC 20-019-0617-I - Enhancement of Engineering and Technology Green Building (ETGB) Roof Skirting (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental (20-019-0617-I)

CHMSC 20-018-0615-G - Procurement of Various Equipment and Furniture and Fixtures for Instructional use of BSHM Talisay Campus (20-018-0615-G)

CHMSC 20-017-0615-G - Procurement of Common Janitorial Supplies and Office Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (20-017-0615-G)

CHMSC 20-013-0305-G - Procurement of Various Consumables for Printers and Photocopier of the Four (4) Campuses (20-013-0305-G)

CHMSC 20-012-0305-G - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (20-012-0305-G)

CHMSC 20-011-0213-G - Procurement of Various Janitorial Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (20-011-0213-G)

CHMSC 20-010-0213-G - Procurement of Six (6) Units Air-Conditioning Units at Teacher Education Building (Rooms 201 to 206) - Talisay Campus (20-010-0213-G)

CHMSC 20-009-1121-G - Procurement of Laptop and All In One Computer for Instructional use of the Four (4) Campuses (20-009-1121-G)

CHMSC 20-008-1112-I - Proposed Design and Build for the Upgrading of Mechanical Shop Building, Automotive Shop and Service Center Building - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2nd Pub) (20-008-1112-I)

CHMSC 20-007-1112-I - Proposed Design and Build for the Completion of 3-Storey Annex Building for Engineering and Technology (East Wing) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental (2nd Pub) (20-007-1112-I)

CHMSC 20-006-1023-G - Procurement of Three (3) Units 75.0 kVA Brand New Oil Imerssed Distruction Transformer Primary for Alijis Campus (20-006-1023-G)

CHMSC 20-005-1023-S - Procurement of Security Services for the Four (4) Campuses (20-005-1023-S)

CHMSC 20-004-1023-S - Procurement of Janitorial Services for the Four (4) Campuses (20-004-1023-S)

CHMSC 20-003-1017-I - Proposed Design and Build for the Upgrading of Post-Harvest Laboratory Building into Two-Storey Fishery Technology Laboratory Building (Phase i) - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan City, Negros Occidenatal (20-003-1017-I)

CHMSC 20-002-1017-I - Proposed Design and Build for the Upgrading of Mechanical Shop Building, Automotive Shop and Service Center Building - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (20-002-1017-I)

CHMSC 20-001-1017-I - Proposed Design and Build for the Completion of 3-Storey Annex Building for Engineering and Technology (East Wing) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental (20-001-1017-I)

CHMSC 19-031-1121-G - Procurement of Installation of Small Office Home Office for the Establishment of Applied Geographic Information System (GIS) Research Center - Alijis Campus (2nd Publication) (19-031-1121-G)

CHMSC 19-029-1017-I - Establishment of Applied Geographic Information System (GIS) Research Center (Labor and Materials) - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (19-029-1017-I)

CHMSC 19-027-1005-G - Procurement of Twenty (20) Smart TV with Wall Mounting for the (4) Campuses (19-027-1005-G)

CHMSC 19-025-1001-G - Procurement of Various Air-Conditioning Units for the Four (4) Campuses (19-025-1001-G)

CHMSC 19-024-1001-G - Procurement of Eight (8) Units Digital 3 in 1 Printer, Coloured Scanner and Mono Copier for the Four (4) Campuses (19-024-1001-G)

CHMSC 19-023-0904-G - Procurement of Various Technical and Scientific Equipment for Instruction use of College of Industrial Technology - Talisay Campus (19-023-0904-G)

CHMSC 19-022-0904-G - Procurement of Various IT Equipment, IT Supplies, Smart TV and All in One Desktop Computer with Kensington Lock Security of the Four (4) Campuses (19-022-0904-G)

CHMSC 19-021-0904-G - Procurement of P.E. Uniform of the Four (4) Campuses (19-021-0904-G)

CHMSC 19-020-0904-G - Procurement of Establishment of Five (5) Smart Rooms at Ground Floor Drafting Building - Alijis Campus (19-020-0904-G)

CHMSC 19-019-0619-G - Procurement of Various IT Equipment, Supplies and Consumables for Various Offices - Talisay Campus (19-019-0619-G)

CHMSC 19-018-0613-G - Procurement of Plastic Chairs, Teacher's Tables and Chairs and White Boards for Alijis and Fortune Towne Campuses (19-018-0613-G)

CHMSC 19-017-0613-G - Procurement of Ceiling Fans with Installation for the Newly Constructed Three (3) Store Academic Building Classrooms and Newly Renovated Five (5) Academic Classrooms - Alijis Campus (19-017-0613-G)

CHMSC 19-015-0424-G - Procurement of Various Drugs and Materials, Medical and Dental Laboratory Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (19-015-0424-G)

CHMSC 19-014-0424-G - Procurement of Various Bangus Formulated Feeds HVLD Project of OPAPP - Pamana at Hinoba-an, Negros Occidental (19-014-0424-G)

CHMSC 19-013-0416-G - Procurement of Various IT Equipment and Consumables for Registrar's Office - Four (4) Campuses and Binalbagan Campus (OPAPP Special Project) (19-013-0416-G)

CHMSC 19-012-0313-G - Procurement of Establishment of Geographic Information System (Phase 1) for Research and Development Center - Alijis Campus (19-012-0313-G)

CHMSC 19-011-0313-G - Procurement of Physics and Chemistry Laboratory Equipment and Supplies - Alijis Campus (19-011-0313-G)

CHMSC 19-010-0213-I - Upgrading of Chemistry and Physics Laboratory (Labor and Materials) - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (19-010-0213-I)

CHMSC 19-009-0201-I - Proposed Improvement of Campus Audio Visual Room (Labor and Materials) - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (19-009-0201-I)

CHMSC 19-008-0201-I - Improvement of Drafting Building Ground (Labor and Materials) Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (19-008-0201-I)

CHMSC 19-007-0128-G - Procurement of Pest/Termite Control Treatment for Talisay, Alijis and Fortune Towne Campuses (19-007-0128-G)

CHMSC 19-006-0128-G - Procurement of Establishment of Internet Center Laboratory for Binalbagan and Fortune Towne Campus (19-006-0128-G)

CHMSC 19-005-0128-G - Procurement of Installation of CCTV System for Alijis, Binalbagan and Fortune Towne Campuses (19-005-0128-G)

CHMSC 19-004-0128-G - Procurement of Printing of Graduation Souvenir Program and Diploma Holder/Jacket for the Graduation of the Four (4) Campuses (19-004-0128-G)

CHMSC 19-003-0128-G - Procurement of Establishment of Smart Rooms at Engineering and Technology Green Bldg. (ETGB 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208) - Talisay Campus (19-003-0128-G)

CHMSC 19-002-0128-G - Procurement of Fiber Optics Backbone Project for Alijis Campus (19-002-0128-G)

CHMSC 19-001-0108-S - Procurement of Janitorial Services Including Supplies and Materials for Four (4) Campuses (2nd Publication) (19-001-0108-S)

CHMSC 18-040-1205-G - Procurement of Various Other Supplies and Materials for Cultural Presentation and Thanksgiving Fellowship 2018 for the Four (4) Campuses (18-040-1205-G)

CHMSC 18-038-1126-G - Procurement of Aquisition of Microsoft License for the Four (4) Campuses (18-038-1126-G)

CHMSC 18-037-1120-G - Procurement of Thirty (30) Sets All in One PC for Instructional use of College of Industrial Technology - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication) (18-037-1120-G)

CHMSC 18-036-1116-S - Procurement of Janitorial Services Including Supplies and Materials for Four (4) Campuses (18-036-1116-S)

CHMSC 18-035-1116-S - Procurement of Training Unit and Instructional Equipment for the College of Industrial Technology - Talisay Campus (18-035-1116-S)

CHMSC 18-034-1108-I - Design and Build for the Proposed LSAB Building Termination Phase - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Talisay City, Negros Occidental (18-034-1108-I)

CHMSC 18-033-1108-I - Proposed Design and Build for the Construction of 3-Storey Annex Building for Engineering and Technology(East Wing) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Talisay City, Negros Occidental (18-033-1108-I)

CHMSC 18-029-1008-I - Various Infrastruture Projects(Labor and Materials) - Fortune Towne, Brgy. Estefania, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental |2nd Publication) (18-029-1008-I)

CHMSC 18-028-0913-I - Design and Build for hte Completion of Alijis Covered Court - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (18-028-0913-I)

CHMSC 18-027-0913-G - Procurement of Furniture and Fixtures for the Proposed BSHM Laboratory - Talisay Campus (18-027-0913-G)

CHMSC 18-026-0913-G - Procurement of Thirty (30)Sets All in One PC for Instructional use of college of Industrial Technology - Talisay Campus (18-026-0913-G)

CHMSC 18-022-0819-G - Procurement of Poly Nets/Poly Ropes/Drums/Weighing Scales & Etc. for HVLD Project of OPAPP-Pamana - Binalbagan Campus (18-022-0819-G)

CHMSC 18-021-0817-S - Procurement of Security Services for Four (4) Campuses (18-021-0817-S)

CHMSC 18-020-0808-G - Procurement of Poly Nets/Poly Ropes/Drums/Weighing Scales & Etc. for HVLD Project of OPAPP-Pamana - Binalbagan Campus (18-020-0808-G)

CHMSC 18-019-0719-G - Procurement of T-Shirts for the Participants during the DILG SK Mandatory Training (18-019-0719-G)

CHMSC 18-018-0711-G - Procurement of PABX System for Alijis Campus (18-018-0711-G)

CHMSC 18-017-0711-G - Procurement of LSAB Door Conversion Flush Door into Panel Door (Phase I), Conversion of Chalk Board into White Board (Phase I) and Repair and Enhancement of Girl's Dormitory (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, B (18-017-0711-G)

CHMSC 18-015-0605-I - Design and Build for the Proposed Supply Building - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Talisay City, Negros Occidental (2nd Publication) (18-015-0605-I)

CHMSC 18-014-0605-I - Rehabilatation of Drainage System (Phase I) (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Talisay City, Negros Occidental (2nd Publication) (18-014-0605-I)

CHMSC 18-013-0511-I - Classroom Upgrading 6,7,8 and 10 (Labor and Materials) Including Demolition/Dismantling - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental (2nd Publication) (18-013-0511-I)

CHMSC 18-012-0509-I - Enhancement of Drafting Building (Phase 2) (Labor and Materials) - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (18-012-0509-I)

CHMSC 18-011-0425-I - Enhancement of Automotive and Machine Shop Lecture Rooms (Labor & Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Mabini St., Talisay City, Negros Occidental (18-011-0425-I)

CHMSC 18-010-0424-G - Procurement of Drugs and Medicines, Medical Equipment, Medical and Dental Laboratory Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (18-010-0424-G)

CHMSC 18-009-0418-I - Enhancement of Faculty Room and Cashier's Office (Labor and Materials) - Alijis Campus), Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2nd Publication) (18-009-0418-I)

CHMSC 18-008-0418-I - Procurement of Common Electrical Supplies, Janitorial Supplies, Office Devices, Office Equipment, Office & Common-use Supplies and Furnitures & Fixtures for the Four (4) Campuses(18-008-0418-I)

CHMSC 18-007-0405-G - Procurement of Centralized and Intergrated Procurement Management System and Property and Supply Management System for BAC & Supply Office - Talisay Campus(18-007-0405-G)

CHMSC 18-006-0323-G - Procurement of PABX System, for Fortune Towne Campus(18-006-0323-G)

CHMSC 18-005-0215-I - Enhancement of Faculty Room and Cashier's Office (Labor and Materials)- Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental(18-005-0215-I)

CHMSC 18-004-0215-I - Rehabilation of Drainage System (Phase 1) (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy Zone 1, Talisay City, Negros Occidental(18-004-0215-I)

CHMSC 18-003-0215-I - Classroom Upgrading 6, 7, 8 and 10 (Labor and Materials) Including Demolition/Dismantling - Binalbagan Campus, Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental(18-003-0215-I)

CHMSC 18-002-0206-I - Design and Build for the Proposed Supply Building - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Talisay City, Negros Occidental(18-002-0206-I)

CHMSC 18-001-0206-G - Procurement of Printing of Graduation Souvenir Program and Diploma Holder/Jacket for the Graduation of the Four (4) Campuses(18-001-0206-G)

CHMSC 17-036-1120 - Procurement of Various Materials for Repair and Maintenance - Talisay Campus(17-036-1120)

CHMSC 17-035-1120 - Procurement of Various Furnitures & Fixtures and Appliances for College of Education, Office of the Student Affair and Center for External Affairs Office - Alijis and Talisay Campuses(17-035-1120)

CHMSC 17-034-1110 - Proposed Machine Shop Toilet Improvement/Extn., Proposed RAC and Civil Tech. Bldg. Sanitary Pipe Line Relocation, & Re-Painting of Civil Tech., LSAB Library and Automotive Machine Shop Bldg. Exterior(17-034-1110)

CHMSC 17-033-1031 - Proposed Machine Shop Toilet Improvement/Extension, Proposed RAC and Civil Technology Building Sanitary Pipe Line Relocation, and Re-Painting of Machine Shop, Civil Techonology, LSAB Library and Automotive Building Exterior Walls (Labor And Materials) - Talisay Campus(17-033-1031)

CHMSC 17-032-1031 - Procurement of Various IT Equipment, Supplies and Consumables, and Software - Talisay & Fortune Towne Campuses(17-032-1031)

CHMSC 17-031-1031 - Procurement of Multi-Purpose Hall Sound System (Labor And Materials) - Talisay Campus(17-031-1031)

CHMSC 17-030-1020 - Design and Build for the Proposed Three (3) Storey Laboratory Building - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (17-030-1020)

CHMSC 17-029-1021 - Construction of 67.50 Meters Campus Road from the North Gate (Phase 1) (Labor and Materials) - Alijis Campus, Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (17-029-1021)

CHMSC 17-028-1010 - Design and Build For The Proposed Enhancement and Extension of the Existing Student Center - Talisay Campus, Talisay City, Negros Occidental (2nd Publication) (17-028-1010)

CHMSC 17-027-1010 - Repair And Enhancement of Convention (Labor And Materials) - Binalbagan Campus,Barangay Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental (17-027-1010)

CHMSC 17-026-1009 - Enhancement of Covered Court and Information Technology, Building Roof Repair (Labor and Materials) - Fortune Towne, Campus, Barangay Estefenia, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (17-026-1009)

CHMSC 17-025-1009 - Rehabilitation of Water Supply Line and Re-Painting of Gym and Stage Enhancement (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Talisay City, Negros Occidental (17-025-1009)

CHMSC 17-024-1006 - Enhancement of Drafting Building (Labor and Materials) - Alijis Campus, Barangay Alijis, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (17-024-1006)

CHMSC 17-023-1006 - Procurement of Data Center Facility for ICT OFFICE -Talisay Campus, Talisay City, Negros Occidental (17-023-1006)

CHMSC 17-022-1006 - Procurement of Copper Backbone From Old To New ICT OFFICE -Talisay Campus, Talisay City, Negros Occidental (17-022-1006)

CHMSC 17-020-0918 - Procurement of Various Materials and Equipment for Fitness Gym - Talisay Campus (17-020-0918)

CHMSC 17-019-0911 - Fortune Towne Campus, Brgy. Estefania, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (17-019-0911)

CHMSC 17-018-0908 - Design and Build for the Proposed Enhancement and Extension of the Existing Student Center - Talisay Campus, Talisay City (17-018-0908)

CHMSC 17-017-0831 - Procurement of Various Equipment For Auto LPG Conversion For Instructional Use Of Automotive Technology - Talisay Campus (17-017-0831)

CHMSC 17-016-0831 - Procurement of Various Air - Conditioning Units For Various Offices - Alijis, Binalbagan and Fortune Towne Campuses (17-016-0831)

CHMSC 17-015-0831 - Procurement of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Unit Trainer With Interactive Multimedia Courseware Training Equipment For RAC Students - Talisay Campus (17-015-0831)

CHMSC 17-010-0725 - Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the Fabrication of 246 Computer Tables in Science And Technology Building - Alijis Campus (17-010-0725)

CHMSC 17-009-07251 - Procurement of Seurity Services for the Four (4) Campuses (17-009-07251)

CHMSC 17-008-0725 - Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for Intramurals and Inter-Campus Meet of the Four (4) Campuses (17-008-0725)

CHMSC 17-007-0615 - Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines, Medical Equipment and Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (17-007-0615)

CHMSC 17-006-0615 - Supply and Delivery of Various Consumables for Computer Printers of the Four (4) Campuses (17-006-0615)

CHMSC 17-005-0615 - Supply and Delivery of Various Consumables for Computer Printers of the Four (4) Campuses (17-005-0615)

CHMSC 17-004-0607 - Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for Repair and Maintenance - Talisay Campus(17-004-0607)

CHMSC 17-003-0607 - Supply and Delivery of Rectangular Folding Tables and Banquet Chairs for Function Room and Conference Room of Engineering and Technology Building - Talisay Campus(17-003-0607)

CHMSC 17-002-0418 - Procurement of Janitorial Services Including Supplies and Materials for the Four (4) Campuses(17-002-0418)

CHMSC 17-001-0407 - Supply, Delivery and Installation of Automatic Fire Suppression System - Fortune Towne Campus(17-001-0407)

CHMSC 16-046-1229 - Proposed Construction of the Two (2) Storey, Fourteen (14) classrooms, Academic Building, CHMSC-Binalbagan(16-046-1229)

CHMSC 16-045-1201 - Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the Enhancement of Faculty Room and Cashier's Office Comfort Room - Alijis Campus(16-045-1201)

CHMSC 16-044-1201 - Supply and Delivery of Common-Use Supplies and Janitorial Supplies of the Four(4) Campuses (2nd Qrtr.-STF)(16-044-1201)

CHMSC 16-043-1201 - Supply and Delivery of Various Camera for Instructional and Documentation use of the Four (4) Campuses(16-043-1201)

CHMSC 16-042-1123 - Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Digital Speech Laboratory Equipment with Interactive Projector and Access Control - Talisay and Alijis Campus(16-042-1123)

CHMSC 16-041-1123 - Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer, Operating System, and Printer for Upgrading Laboratory Equipment - Binalbagan Campus(16-041-1123)

CHMSC 16-040-1123 - Supply and Delivery of Various Desktop Computer for Instructional use - Talisay, Alijis and Fortune Towne Campuses(16-040-1123)

CHMSC 16-039-1123 - Supply/Delivery/Installation of Network Infrastructure Backbone with Automation and Power System - Fortune Towne Campus(16-039-1123)

CHMSC 16-038-1121 - Supply and Delivery of Various Vehicle Equipment for Auto LPG Conversion for Instructional use of Automotive Technology - Talisay Campus (2nd Publication)(16-038-1121)

CHMSC 16-037-1107 - Supply/Delivery/Installation of Interactive Projector with Room Access Control System for Room 211, 212, 213 LSAB Bldg. (Conversion Classroom to Interactive Room) - Talisay Campus(16-037-1107)

CHMSC 16-036-1107 - Supply and Delivery of Various Televisions for Instructional and Office use of the Four (4) Campuses(16-036-1107)

CHMSC 16-035-1107 - Supply and Delivery of Polygraph System, Photo Enlarger, and Master Questioned Document Kit - Binalbagan Campus(16-035-1107)

CHMSC 16-034-1107 - Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the Auto LPG Conversion for Instructional use of Automotive Technology - Talisay Campus(16-034-1107)

CHMSC 16-033-1102 - Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the Re-roofing of Academic 1 Building - Alijis Campus(16-033-1102)

CHMSC 16-032-1017 - Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the Enhancement of Male and Female Restroom - Alijis Campus(16-032-1017)

CHMSC 16-031-1017 - Supply and Delivery of Chairs and Tables for the College Canteen - Talisay Campus(16-031-1017)

CHMSC 16-030-1017 - Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for Re-writing & Conversion of Electrical System (Three (3) Units Transformers, 3 Phase) - Binalbagan Campus(16-030-1017)

CHMSC 16-029-1017 - Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the Enhancement of Four (4) Classrooms - Binalbagan Campus(16-029-1017)

CHMSC 16-028-1017 - Supply and Delivery of Various IT Supplies and Consumables for the Four (4) Campuses (2nd Qtr.-STF)(16-028-1017)

CHMSC 16-027-1017 - Supply and Delivery of Various Books for Reference Purposes by the College Students and Faculty - Fortune Towne Campus(16-027-1017)

CHMSC 16-026-1004 - Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Enhancement of LSAB-Roofing - Talisay Campus(16-026-1004)

CHMSC 16-025-1004 - Supply and Delivery of Various Common Office Supplies and Other Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (MDS 2nd - 4th Qtr.)(16-025-1004)

CHMSC 16-024-0915 - Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the Construction of Fish Cages - Binalbagan Campus(16-024-0915)

CHMSC 16-023-0831 - Supply and Delivery of Five (5) Units 4 in 1 Digital Copiers for Accreditation and Finance - Talisay Campus(16-023-0831)

CHMSC 16-022-0831 - Supply and Delivery of Air-Conditioning Units with Installation and Commissioning for the Four (4) Campuses(16-022-0831)

CHMSC 16-021-0818 - Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies, Other Supplies and Materials, and Instructional Materials for the Four (4) Campuses(16-021-0818)

CHMSC 16-020-0818 - Supply and Delivery of PC Servers and Educational Robot Kit for Instructional use of BSIS and IT Dept. Talisay and Binalbagan Campus(16-020-0818)

CHMSC 16-019-0818 - Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the Construction of Fish Cages - Binalbagan Campus(16-019-0818)

CHMSC 16-018-0816 - Supply and Delivery of Various IT Supplies and Consumables for the Four (4) Campuses(16-018-0816)

CHMSC 16-017-0816 - Supply/Delivery/Installation of Collegewide Interconnectivity for Binalbagan Campus(16-017-0816)

CHMSC 16-016-0719 - Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment (Computer Desktop/Laptop/Netbook) of the Four (4) Campuses(16-016-0719)

CHMSC 16-015-0719 - Supply and Delivery of Printer and All-in-one Computer for Instructional use of Architectural Drafting - Talisay Campus(16-015-0719)

CHMSC 16-014-0719 - Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting goods for Intramural and Inter-campus Meet 2016 of the Four (4) Campuses(16-014-0719)

CHMSC 16-013-0712 - Supply and Delivery of various materials for the enhancement of C.R. at LASB - Talisay Campus(16-013-0712)

CHMSC 16-012-0712 - Supply/Delivery/Installation of CCTV Surveillance Camera - Fortune Towne Campus(16-012-0712)

CHMSC 16-011-0629 - Supply/Delivery/Installation of IP-PABX System - Talisay Campus(16-011-0629)

CHMSC 16-010-0629 - Supply/Delivery/Installation of CCTV Surveillance Camera (2nd Phase) from Service Area to LSAB Building Ground Floor and Second Floor including Side Parking Area - Talisay Campus(16-010-0629)

CHMSC 16-009-0520 - Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the Enhancement of South Perimeter Fence - Alijis Campus(16-009-0520)

CHMSC 16-008-0520 - Supply and Delivery of Nineteen (9) units of DLP Projector for Alijis, Binalbagan, and Talisay Campus(16-008-0520)

CHMSC 16-007-0503 - Various Office Supplies, Other Supplies and Materials, and Instructional Materials of the Four (4) Campuses(16-007-0503)

CHMSC 16-006-0428 - Procurement of various consumables for the photocopiers of Alijis, Fortune towne & Talisay campuses(16-006-0428)

CHMSC 16-005-0428 - Procurement of materials for the enhancement of North Gate - Alijis Campus(16-005-0428)

CHMSC 16-004-0428 - Procurement of IT supplies and materials - four(4) campuses(16-004-0428)

CHMSC 16-003-0428 - Procurement of licensed operating software for the college four(4) campuses(16-003-0428)

CHMSC 16-002-0322 - Procurement of materials for the Repainting and Repair of Gym's Roof- Talisay Campus(16-002-0322)

CHMSC 16-001-0202 - Printing of Souvenir Program and Diploma Holder/Diploma Jacket for 2016 Graduation-Talisay Campus(16-001-0202)

CHMSC 15-031-1118 - Various materials for the construction of water treatment facility/structure-Talisay Campus(15-031-1118)

CHMSC 15-030-1103 - Water Treatment facility-Talisay Campus(15-030-1103)

CHMSC 15-029-1103 - Water Analysis laboratory Equipment-Talisay Campus(15-029-1103)

CHMSC 15-028-1102 - Various laboratory equipment-Binalbagan Campus(15-028-1102)

CHMSC 15-027-1016 - Various IT equipment & Accessories-Binalbagan Campus (15-027-1016)

CHMSC 15-026-1016 - Various materials for the fabrication of steel armchair-Alijis Campus (15-026-1016)

CHMSC 15-025-1005 - Various IT equipment for various offices-Talisay Campus (15-025-1005)

CHMSC 15-024-1002 - Various materials for the enhancement of Automotive Shop Area-Talisay Campus (15-024-1002)

CHMSC 15-023-1002 - Various materials for the enhancement of FCM Shop Area-Talisay Campus (15-023-1002)

CHMSC 15-022-0902 - Polygraph System with Laptop for Criminology Laboratory-Binalbagan Campus (15-022-0902)

CHMSC 15-021-0902 - Various materials for the enhancement of Aqua cottage and Criminology Building Internship Office-Binalbagan Campus (15-021-0902)

CHMSC 15-020-0902 - Various IT Equipment and Accessories for computer laboratory-Talisay Campus (15-020-0902)

CHMSC 15-019-0721 - CCTV Surveillance Camera for Guard House, New Administration Building and Parking Area, Talisay Campus (15-019-0721)

CHMSC 15-018-0721 - Various IT Equipment for Fortune Towne Campus (15-018-0721)

CHMSC 15-017-0721 - P.E. Uniforms, Talisay Campus (15-017-0721)

CHMSC 15-016-0721 - Various IT Equipment for Talisay Campus & Alijis Campuses (15-016-0721)

CHMSC 15-015-0711 - Various Materials for the enhancement of HELE Lecture & Laboratory Building, Binalbagan Campus (CHMSC 15-015-0711)

CHMSC 15-014-0711 - P.E. Uniforms, Talisay Campus (CHMSC 15-014-0711)

CHMSC 15-013-0613 - Various Materials for the proposed enhancement of Machine Shop Building, Talisay Campus (CHMSC 15-013-0613)

CHMSC 15-012-0613 - Various Materials for the enhancement of CHMSC-Alijis North Gate (Phase 1), Alijis Campus (CHMSC 15-012-0613)

CHMSC 15-011-0613 - Projector for CHMSC-Talisay Gymnasium, Talisay Campus(CHMSC 15-011-0613)

CHMSC 15-010-0613 - Various IT Equipment, Consumables, and Accessories for Talisay, Binalbagan, & Fortune Towne Campuses(CHMSC 15-010-0613)

CHMSC 15-009-0613 - Air-Conditioning units & Smart TV for Computer Laboratory & SAS - Talisay Campus(CHMSC 15-009-0613)

CHMSC 15-008-0519 - Various IT Equipment for Talisay, Alijis, & Fortune Towne campuses(CHMSC 15-008-0519)

CHMSC 15-007-0423 - Various IT Equipment for Talisay, Alijis, & Fortune Towne Campuses(CHMSC 15-007-0423)

CHMSC 15-006-0410 - Various Materials for Construction of Entrance Gate & GuardHouse with Covered Footwalk-Binalbagan Campus(CHMSC 15-006-0410)

CHMSC 15-005-0410 - Various Materials for the Proposed Service Area for Registrar & Cashier's Office(CHMSC 15-005-0410)

CHMSC 15-004-0407 - Various IT Equipment and Accessories for Talisay, Alijis & Binalbagan Campuses(CHMSC 15-004-0407)

CHMSC 13-035-0611 - Various Materials for Renovation of President's Cottage, Talisay Campus (CHMSC 13-035-0611)

CHMSC 13-036-0611 - Various Materials for Enhancement of Five Classrooms, Alijis Campus (CHMSC 13-036-0611)

CHMSC 13-037-0617 - Janitorial Services, Talisay Campus(CHMSC 13-037-0617)

CHMSC 13-038-0617 - Various Sporting Goods, Fortune Towne Campus(CHMSC 13-038-0617)

CHMSC 13-039-0617 - Various Materials for Floor Tiling, Talisay Campus (CHMSC 13-039-0617)

CHMSC 13-040-0617 - Various Materials for Instructional Offices, Talisay Campus (CHMSC 13-040-0617)

CHMSC 13-041-0620 - Tablet Arm Chair-Plastic-Talisay (CHMSC 13-041-0620)

CHMSC 13-042-0620 - Tablet Arm Chair-Steel-Alijis (CHMSC 13-042-0620)

CHMSC 13-043-0701 - Quickbooks 2013 (CHMSC 13-043-0701)

CHMSC 13-044-0701 - Furniture Equipment-Mr. Malaga(CHMSC 13-044-0701)

CHMSC 13-045-0701 - Books-Alijis(CHMSC 13-045-0701)

CHMSC 13-046-0701 - Fabrication of 40 units Faculty Tables (SAS)(CHMSC 13-046-0701)

CHMSC 13-047-0701 - Interactive Classrooms(CHMSC 13-047-0701)

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