Request for Quotation

RFQ 25-094 - Procurement of T-shirt and Polo Shirt for the CHMSU Universe-sity Fest 2025 on April 7-11, 2025

RFQ 25-092 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Installation Grill Railings at the College of Engineering Roof Deck - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-091 - Procurement of Common-use-Supplies for the OSAS, Binalbagan Campus and Libraries of the University

RFQ 25-090 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and Learning Resources for the College of Criminal Justice - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 25-078 - Procurement of Various Medicines for Medical Clinics of Talisay and Binalbagan Campuses

RFQ 25-075 - Procurement of Furniture and Fixtures for the New Office in Alijis Campus

RFQ 25-071 - Procurement of Airconditioning Units for the Registrar and ICT Offices in Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-070 - Procurement of Semi-Expandable Furniture for Cashier's Office in Talisay Campus and CBMA Office in Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 25-068 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair of Gutter (Academic Building 2) at Alijis Campus

RFQ 25-066 - Procurement of General Pest Control for the Canteen Area at Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-059 - Procurement of Fabrication and Installation of Two (2) Units Modular Table a the HRM Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-057 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair of Academc Building 2 (Room 3A to 3E) Phase 2 at Alijis Campus

RFQ 25-056 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair of Gutter (Academic Building 2) at Alijis Campus

RFQ 25-055 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Global Learning Cafe at ETG Bldg. - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-053 - Procurement of Various Electronics Supplies for the Office of Culture and the Arts use in Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 25-052 - Procurement of Various References and Textbooks for Learning Resources of the Faculty and Students in Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 25-051 - Procurement of Semi-Expandable Furnitire of Sports and Affairs and Registrar's Office in Talisay and Fortune Towne Campuses

RFQ 25-050 - Procurement of Common-use-Supplies for the HRM, PPDM and Finance Offices in Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-049 - Procurement of Various Semi-Expandable Furniture for Various Offices in Talisay and Fortune Towne Campuses

RFQ 25-047 - Procurement of Glass Partition with Complete Accessories and Installation and Air-Conditioning Units with Installation at the HRM and VPAF/CAO Offices - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-046 - Procurement of Various Semi-Expandable Furnitire for the Office of Students Affairs - Alijis Campus

RFQ 25-044 - Procurement of Toothbrush and Toothpaste for the 16th Dental Health Month of the Four Campuses

RFQ 25-043 - Procurement of Various Textbools and References of the Faculty and Students, COPC and AACCUP Compliance - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-042 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References of the Faculty and Students, COPC and AACCUP Compliance - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-041 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References of the Faculty and Students, COPC and AACCUP Compliance - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-040 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Instructional use of College of Arts and Sciences Laboratory - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-039 - Procurement of Materials for the Repainting and Waterproofing of Administrative Building's Roof, Gutter and Parapet - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-036 - Procurement of Various Laboratory Supplies for the Instructional use of the College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-034 - Procurement of Various Electrical and Carpentry Supplies for the Repair and Maintenance of the University

RFQ 25-032 - Procurement of Various ICT Supplies and Materials for the ICT Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-030 - Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the PPE Apparels Production - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-029 - Procurement of Various Chemicals for the Instructional use of College of Arts and Sciences Laboratry - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-028 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Redrilling and Pipe Extension of Water Pumping Station 2 at Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-027 - Procurement of Food for the Forty-Four (44) Participants in the Training of New Quality Auditors on March 6-7, 2025

RFQ 25-026 - Procurement of Various ICT Supplies and Materials for the Repair and Maintenace use of ICT Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-019 - Procurement of Three (3) Units Air-Conditioning Units for the LSAB Room 320 for CAD Laboratory - Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-015 - Procurement of Various Janitorial Supplies for Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-014 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for the CBMA Programs to Sustain the COPC and AACCUP Requirements of Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 25-013 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for the CBMA Programs at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 25-011 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Drainage System and Cover in Front of Old Bus Garage at Talisay Campus

RFQ 25-001 - Procurement of Food and Accommodation for the BCSE Recognition and Thanksgiving Celebration of the CE Licensure Exam Passers on February 6, 2025

RFQ 24-536 - Procurement of Fabrication and Installation of Office Table at Human Resource Office Second Floor of Admin. Building at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-535 - Procurement of Rechargeable Battery and Speaker to Accommodate Varioys Activity of the University

RFQ 24-534 - Procurement of Operation PC for Basic and Advanced IoT Projects Dev for the Innovation and Technology Advancement for Emerging Technologies,etc. - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-530 - Procurement of Testing Materials for the Admission Test for the Academic Year 2025-2026 and Assessment of Graduating Students, etc. of the Guidance Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-529 - Procurement of Virtual Private Server Hosting for the Cloud Hosting of the Learning Management System - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-527 - Procurement of Cabinet for the Aquaculture Laboratory of the College of Fisheries - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24-526 - Procurement of Semi-Expandable Furniture for the ICT Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-525 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Airconditioning Unit for the ICT Office at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24-519 - Procurement of Consolidated Common-use Supplies and Consumables of the University

RFQ 24-517 - Procurement of Catering Services for the Annual Thanksgiving Activity of the University on December 12, 2024

RFQ 24-516 - Procurement of Food and Lunch for the Fellowship and Orientation Program of Job Order Personnel/Contract of Service on December 13, 2024 at the CHMSU Gym - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-515 - Procurement of Various Medicines for the Athletes for the Regional SCUAA Meet 2024 on December 15-20, 2024

RFQ 24-514 - Procurement of Sports Uniform, Polo Shirts adn Jackets for the Regional SCUAA Meet 2024 on December 15-20, 2024

RFQ 24-509 - Procurement of Various Sporting Goods for the Upcoming Sports Events

RFQ 24-507 - Procurement of Cloths for Instructional use of Foods Trade Technology - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-504 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Upcoming Events of the Campus - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-503 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Installation of Power Supply in Engineering Laboratories at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-502 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Redrilling and Pipe Extension of Water Pumping Station 2 at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-501 - Procurement of Buffet Dinner for the PSPA International Conference Fellowship on December 4, 2024

RFQ 24-500 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair and Waterproofing of Gutters and Roofs and Repainting of Interior Wall and Ceiling of Library at Alijis Campus

RFQ 24-498 - Procurement of Food and Accommodation for the Implemetation of Wellness and Mental Health Break on December 6 & 7, 2024 of Faculty in Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24-497 - Procurement of Office Desk, etc. for the Conversion and Rehabilitaion of Room 116 and 117 into GAD Resource Center (116) and Child Minding (117) at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-496 - Procurement of Smart TV, etc. for the PME Office use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-489 - Procurement of Polo Shirts for the Organizational Uniform of the Federation of CHMSU Student

RFQ 24-488 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Air-Conditioning Unit for the Retrofitting of Electrical Technology Laboratory for IDIC Grant Implementation - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-486 - Procurement of C2S Paper for the Printing of Student Handbooks of the University

RFQ 24-482 - Procurement of Various ICT Equipment and Supplies for the AI, Data Science & Analytics Research Center under the Digitalization Initiative of CHMSU

RFQ 24-480 - Procurement of Various Materials for the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology- Electrical Instructional Use- Alijis Campus

RFQ 24-477 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Instructional use of CIT-Mechanical Technology Program at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-475 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Development of an Improved Multi-Purpose Mixing and Extruding Machine of the CIT-Mechanical Technology at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-473 - Procurement of Various ICT Supplies and Materials for the Development of CHMSU Learning Management System Using Moodle -Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-471 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Instructional use of BSIT - Electronics at Alijis Campus

RFQ 24-470 - Procurement of All in One Desktop Computers for the Establishment of the Patent Library Facility at the New Research and Innovation Hub - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-465 - Procurement of Various Semi-Expandable Furniture for Research and Development Services Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-462 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for Faculty and Students - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-460 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair of Footwalk and Replacement of Canopy Roofing at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24-453 - Procurement of Various Sporting Goods for Sports and Athletic Activities - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24-452 - Procurement of DSLR Camera and USB for the TWG Future Thinking, Digitalizaion and Internalization Committee Members use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-450 - Procurement of Machinery Equipment, Upgrading and Preventive Maintenance of Current CNC Laser Cutter for the Upgrading of NOCDELIGHT FABLAB - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-449 - Procurement of Internet of things (IOT) Development Kit and Lego Mechatronic Kit for Innovation and Technology Advancement for Emerging Technologies for the use of Four Campuses

RFQ 24-448 - Procurement of Glass Partition with Installation for Patent Library of Intellectual Property Management Office at the New Research and Innovation Hub in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-446 - Procurement of Various Customized and Ready-Made Furniture for the NEDA NIR Regional Office in Alijis Campus

RFQ 24-445 - Procurement of Computer Tables and Chairs for the Establishing the Patent Library Facility at the New Research and Innovation Hub - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-442 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Conversion of Room 101 (Academic Building) to NEDA NIR Regional Office at Alijis Campus

RFQ 24-441 - Procurement of Food and Accommodation for the Conduct of 2024 Team Building Activity for One Hundred Twenty-Three (123) GASS Personnel of the Four Campuses

RFQ 24-440 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair and Enhancement of Old admin Building CR in Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24-433 - Procurement of Laptop for Library Services use in Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24-431 - Procurement of Various Supplies & Equipment for Sports and Athletic Activities- Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24-430 - Procurement of Window Blinds with Installation at Multi-Use Research Innovation and Extension Hub Building- Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-429 - Procurement of Laptop for President's Office Use- Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-428 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for OSA Office Extension and Repair of Existing Wall Cracks- Alijis Campus

RFQ 24-425 - Procurement of Airconditioning Unit for Alumni Relations Office use- Talisay Campus

RFQ 24-424 - Procurement of Various ICT Supplies for ICT Office use- Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 420 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Enchancement of CBMA Canteen Wash Area- Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 419 - Procurement of Fabrication and Installation of Storage Rack and Shelves at Sports Office- Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 417 - Procurement of Laptop for Office of the Student Affairs use in Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 416 - Procurement of ICT Equipment for the Audot Management and Business Affairs Office use in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 415 - Procurement of Various Materials for the Installation of Engineering Building Connection in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 413 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for Faculty and Students of the University in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 412 - Procurement of Qualitative Data Analysis Software for the Conduct of Qualitative Researches

RFQ 24- 411 - Procurement of Office Equipment for ICT Office use-Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 410 - Procurement of Application Security Testing Software and SD-WAN Connectivity Device for ICT office use- Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 407 - Procurement of Monoblock Chairs for the Criminology Laboratory use- Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 405 - Procurement of Double Deck/Bunk Beds for the Male and Female Dormitory- Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 404 - Procurement of Assorted Professional Journals for College of Business, Managem ent, and Accountancy Programs- Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 401 - Procurement of Touch Table for Library use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 400 - Procurement of Audio System for Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 399 - Procurement of Endpoint Security Central Intercept X Advanced Subscription for ICT Office use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 397 - Procurement of Diploma Jacket or Holder for Graduation 2024 for the Four Campuses

RFQ 24- 396 - Procurement of Classroom Chairs for the Instructional use of the College of Engineering - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 383 - Procurement of Furniture and Appliances for the GAD Resource Center and Child Minding at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 382 - Procurement of Classroom Chairs for the Instructional use of the College of Engineering - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 381 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Main Water Pipe Line Network, Repair of Existing Cistern Tank, and Construction of Additional Elevated Cistern Tank at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 375 - Procurement of Semi-Expendable Furniture for the Faculty and Computer Laboratory of the College of Engineering - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 368 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Control Module of 400KVA Generator with Installation for Replacement at the ETG Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 367 - Procurement of Three (3) Units Biometric Time Attendance for Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 366 - Procurement of Ten (10) Units Folding Tables for the CHMSU Gymnasium - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 360 - Procurement of Specialty Paper for the Printing and Reproduction of Yearbook for Class 2022 - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 359 - Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Installation of 3-Phase Secondary Metering at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 358 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the General Recondition of CHMSU Bus with Plate No. NAX 1136 -Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 354 - Procurement of Air-conditioning Unit for Room 115 at LSA Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 353 - Procurement of Tables and Chairs for the CBMA Canteen in Fortune Towne Campus and Faculty Rooms in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 344 - Procurement of Various Automotive Supplies and Materials for the Instructional use of Automotive Technology - Alijis Campus

Other Files

RFQ 24- 343 - Procurement of Photocopier for the Records Management Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 341 - Procurement of Janitorial Supplies for the Dental Clinics fo the University

RFQ 24- 339 - Procurement of Drugs and Medicines and Various Medical and Dental Supplies for the Dental Clinics of the University

RFQ 24- 337 - Procurement of Food and Accommodation for the Conduct of Pathways to Sustainability: Understanding the SDG's and Its Indicators on August 1-2, 2024

RFQ 24- 335 - Procurement of Food and Accommodation for the Future Focused Competency-Based Assessment: Prepareing for Tomorrow's Skills Training on August 11-14, 2024

RFQ 24- 334 - Procurement of Food and Accommodation for the Annual Strategic and Action Planning of the Office of the Guidance Services in Talisay Campus on July 30-31, 2024

RFQ 24- 332 - Procurement of Tables and Chairs for the CBMA Canteen at Fortune Towne Campus and Faculty Room at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 331 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Installation of 3-Steps Filtration for Water Supply of Drinking Fountain at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 330 - Procurement of Electrical and ICT Supplies and Materials for the ICT Repair and Maintenance - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 329 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for Reference of the Library Services at Alijis Campus

RFQ 24- 327 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Installation of 3" Concrete Floor Topping at the Finance Mezzanine Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 326 - Procurement of Various Vehicle Parts ad Supplies for the University Vehicles

RFQ 24- 325 - Procurement of Painting Materials for the Repainting of Interior and Exterior of Teacher's Education Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 324 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Instructional Use of RAC Technology of BSIT Program - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 323 - Procurement of Electrical Supplies for the Replacement of Old Wiring at the Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 319 - Procurement of Automotive Supplies and Materials for the Instructional use of Automotive Technology - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 317 - Procurement of Two (2) Units Desktop Computers for Cashier and Assessment Offices at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 316 - Procurement of Folding Tables for the Dining Hall and Function Hall at the ETG Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 315 - Procurement of Various Printers, Tablets and Consumables for CBMA, Alumni and University Secretary Offices in Fortune Towne and Talisay Campuses

RFQ 24- 313 - Procurement of Various Furniture for the Various Offices in Talisay and Alijis Campuses

RFQ 24- 311 - Procurement of Airconditioning Unit with Installation for the Registrar's Office at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 309 - Procurement of Various ICT Supplies, Paper Shredder, etc. for Registrar's Office, alijis Campus abd Psychology Laboratory, Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 308 - Procurement of Various Electronic Supplies and Materials for the Instructional use of Electronic Technology - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 306 - Procurement of Psychological Testing Materials for the Psychology Laboratory use in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 305 - Procurement of Psychological Testing Materials for the BS Psychology Programs in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 303 - Procurement of Textbooks and References for CBMA Graduate School Programs at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 302 - Procurement of Digital Oscilloscope, etc. for the BS Electronic and Communication Engineering Program at Alijis Campus

RFQ 24- 300 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Installation of Electrical Utilities for Clinic and Other Offices in Alijis Campus

RFQ 24- 297 - Procurement of DSLR Camera for the Documentation use of the Center for Internationalization and External Relation Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 292 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for the Faculty and Students of the University in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 291 - Procurement of Laboratory Supplies for the Instructional use of Science Laboratoy of the College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 289 - Procurement of Refrigerator for the New Dormitory of Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 286 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Comfort Rooms Sanitary for Male at Ground Floor and Water Lines for Male and Female at Ground Floor to Second Floor at LSAB (Rightside Northwing) - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 285 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Conversion of Space Between OSA Office and MM3 & 4 to Assessment Office - Alijis Campus

RFQ 24- 284 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Improvement of Student Affairs Office at the Student Center Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 279 - Procurement of Fire Extinguishers for Consummation of the Design and Build for the Construction of Three-Storey Annex Bldg. for ETG Building (East Wing) - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 278 - Procurement of IT Supplies and Equipment for the GAD Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 272 - Procurement of Various Medicines and Medical Supplies for Medical Clinic in Alijis and Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 266 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for References of the Library Services in Alijis Campus

RFQ 24- 265 - Procurement of Riso Ink and Master for the Reproduction of Examination Papers and Other Related Documents of Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 264 - Procurement of Glass Division with Installation for the Cashier and Assessment Offices and a Separate Door for the Cashier's Office in Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 260 - Procurement of Air-Conditioning Units for the Commission on Audit and Business Affairs Offices in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 259 - Procurement of Consumables for the Various Printers of the University

RFQ 24- 256 - Procurement of ICT Equipment and Supplies for the Various Offices of the University

RFQ 24- 249 - Procurement of Pre-Employment Testing Materials for HRM Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 246 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Handumanan Multi-Purpose Center Beside Gymnasium Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 245 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Concrete Flooring in Front of LSA Building in CHMSU Main Campus

RFQ 24- 244 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair and Enhancement of Old Admin Building CR in Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 223 - Procurement of Sports Uniform and Polo Shirts for the ROTC Games 2024 on May 26-June 1, 2024

RFQ 24- 222 - Procurement of Various Semi-Expandable Furniture for the Various Offices of the University

RFQ 24- 219 - Procurement of Various Offices and ICT Supplies for the CAS Graduate Studies Program and Public Adm. Program in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 211 - Procurement of Physical Science Laboratory Equipment for the Instructional use of the College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 210 - Procurement of Seventy (70) Pcs Foams with Polyester Cover Mattress for the New Dormitory in Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 202 - Procurement of Ten (10) Units Stand Fans for the New Dormitory use at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 199 - Procurement of Snacks and Dinner for the Graduation Ceremony on June 21, 2024 at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 192 - Procurement of Printer Consumables and Paper Parchment for the 2024 Graduation of the University

RFQ 24- 191 - Procurement of Customized Medals for the 2024 Graduation of the Four Campuses

RFQ 24- 190 - Procurement of Diploma Jacket/Holder for 2024 Graduation of the four Campuses

RFQ 24- 189 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Installation of Shower Rooms for ROTC Games at Talisay, Fortune Towne and Alijis Campuses

RFQ 24- 188 - Procurement of Three (3) Units Air-Conditioning Unit for the Board Secretary Office and Conference Room at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 185 - Procurement of Desktop Computer and UPS for the Advanced Education Programs Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 181 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the use of the Security Guards of the University

RFQ 24- 179 - Procurement of Industrial Stand Fan for the University Gymnasium - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 174 - Procurement of Document Scanner for the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 172 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Drainage at the Back of School Canteen in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 171 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the and Repair of Cover of Drainage in Front of LSA Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 168 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Drianage at LSAB Laboratories at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 139 - Fabrication and Installation of Windows Grills for the 2-Storey Male and Female Dormitory Bldg. at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 138 - Fabrication and Installation of Single and Bunk Beds for the 2-Storey Male and Female Dormitory Bldg. at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 137 - Fabrication and Installation of Modular Cabinets for the 2-Storey Male and Female Dormitory Bldg. at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 135 - Procurement of Customized Polo Shirt for the Excelsior Sports Fest 2024 on May 6-8, 2024 - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 133 - Procurement of Various for the Repair and Maintenance use of the University

RFQ 24- 132 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Instructional use of BSHM in Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 131 - Procurement of Signages and CHMSU LOGO with Installation - Alijis and Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 130 - Procurement of Various Drugs Medicines for Medical Clinics of Fortune Towne and Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 127 - Procurement of MI Garand Replica Firearm for the ROTC in Drills, Ceremonial Parade and Entrance of Colors of the NSTP Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 126 - Procurement of Semi-Expendable Furniture for DRRM and Campus Executive Directors Offices - Talisay & Fortune Towne Campuses

RFQ 24- 125 - Procurement of Various Semi-Expendable Furniture for Replacement to be used by the Newly Hired of Financial Management Services Division - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 123 - Procurement of All in One Desktop Computer and ICT Supplies for the General Services Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 122 - Procurement of IT Equipment and Supplies for the Various Office of the University

RFQ 24- 122 - Procurement of IT Equipment and Supplies for the Various Office of the University

RFQ 24- 113 - Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for the Repairs an Maintenance of the University

RFQ 24- 112 - Procurement of Window Blinds with Complete Accessories and Installation for the Finance Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 110 - Procurement of Ladder and Fabricated Hanging Filing Cabinet for the Registrar's Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 109 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for the Faculty and Students of the University - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 108 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for the CBMA Programs - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 098 - Procurement of Odor Eliminator and Flow Meter for the Pollution Control Projects of the University

RFQ 24- 096 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Enhancement of BSBA Rooms 1-4 (windows and Additional Doors) - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 095 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation od OSAS Extension - Alijis Campus

RFQ 24- 094 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair of ETGB Roofing and Rainwater Collection Accessories - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 093 - Procurement of Glass Partitions with Installation for Testing and Counseling Rooms at the Guidance Office - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 088 - Procurement of food for the Dinner of the RASUC Fellowship Night on March 23, 2024 at the New Government Center, Bacolod City

RFQ 24- 087 - Procurement of Services for the Processing of the Occupancy Permit of IT Building at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 079 - Procurement of ID Lanyards, Customized for the RASUC 6 Culture and the Festival 2023-2024 on March 23-26, 2024

RFQ 24- 075 - Procurement of Food and Accomodation for the 2-Day Live-in Paralegal Training for Active GADGRC Teachers on March 19-20, 2024

RFQ 24- 074 - Procurement of Customized Wooden Trophies for the RASUC 6 Culture and the Arts Festival 2023-2024 - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 070 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Radiator Tank Overhauling of 400KVA Generator Set at ETG Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 069 - Procurement of Filing Cabinets, etc. for the OSAS and Registrar's Offices at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 068 - Procurement of Various Air-Conditioning Units for the VPAA and Finance Management Offices at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 067 - Procurement of Hardware Materials for the Enhancement of Audio Visual Room at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 066 - Procurement of Various Chairs for the Center of Internalization and External Relations Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 065 - Procurement of Various Chairs for the Center of Internalization and External Relations Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 064 - Procurement of ICT Supplies and Equipment for the Registrar's Office at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 059 - Procurement of Conference Room Audio Systems with Installation and Commissioning for Upgrading of Conference Room at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 058 - Procurement of Hybrid 5KVA Solar System for Replacement of Defective Centralized UPS with Solar Charging at Data Center 1 at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 057 - Procurement of CCTV Systems for Talisay Library 2nd and 3rd Floors at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 056 - Procurement of Registrar System Server and GIS Server for the Application System of Binalbagan and Alijis Campus

RFQ 24- 055 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Glass Partition with Installation at Room 107 - LSA Building, Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 042 - Procurement of CO2 Laser Tube for Replacement in the Laser Cutting/Engraver Machine at the Fabrication Laboratory (FABLAB) - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 035 - Procurement of Fans, Industrial for the Repalcement of Defective Fans in AB2 Rooms 3A to 3E (5 Rooms) at Alijis Campus

RFQ 24- 034 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Drainage in Front of Bus Garage - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 033 - Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Repair and Maintenance of the University Vehicles (ISUZU Crosswind SJL-103) - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 24- 032 - Procurement of Odor Eliminator and Flow Meter for the Pollution Control Projects of the University

RFQ 24- 027 - Procurement of Customized T-Shirts for the RASUC 6 Culture and the Arts Festival 2023-2024 on March 23-26, 2024

RFQ 24- 022 - Procurement of Psychological Testing Materials for the Admission Examination of Incoming First Year Applicants for AY 2024-2025 of the Four Campuses

RFQ 24- 019 - Procurement of Toothbrush and Toothpaste for the Dental Health Month on February 29, 2024 for the Four (4) Campuses

RFQ 24- 018 - Procurement of University Vehicles

RFQ 24- 017 - Procurement of Various Office Furniture for GSO Office at Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 016 - Procurement of Plastic Chairs and Monobloc Chairs for Replacement and Campus Covered Court at Alijis Campus

RFQ 24- 015 - Procurement of Two (2) Units HVLS Industrial Ceiling Fan for the Covered Court at Alijis Campus

RFQ 24- 014 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for CBA Programs at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 24- 004 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for the University Library Services - Talisay Campus

RFQ 24- 001 - Procurement of food and Venue for the BSCE Recognition and Thanksgiving Celebration for the April and November 2023 CE Licensure Exam Passers on February 9, 2023

RFQ 23- 617 - Procurement of food and Venue for Thanksgiving Celebration: Pasidungog to Retirees, Loyalty Awardee's for FY 2023 and Cultural Presentation on December 18, 2023 of the Four Campuses

RFQ 23- 611 - Procurement of Various Materials for the Proposed Archive Room at 4th Floor ETG Building at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 610 - Procurement of Customized Polo Shirts for Uniform Faculty and GASS Personnel Relatives to Sports, Cultural and Other Related Activities of the Institution for the Four Campuses

RFQ 23- 604 - Procurement of Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Electrical System at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 602 - Procurement of Various Furniture for the IPMO, TBI and fablab at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 601 - Procurement of Various References and Textbooks for the Library Services - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 589 - Procurement of Printed Journals and Magazines for the Library Services at Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 567 - Procurement of Photocopier, etc. for the Quality Management Office at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 566 - Procurement of Garbage Bins for the Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 564 - Procurement of Appliances and Windows Blinds for the Graduate School Libraries of Binalbagan and Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 563 - Procurement of Customized and Ready-Made Furniture for the Enhancement of Reading and Learning Common Areas of the Graduates School Libraries at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 562 - Procurement of Windows Blinds with Installation for the Office of the Guidance Services at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 561 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Glass Division of the Discussion Room in Library at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 560 - Procurement of Various Materials for Instructional use the College of Industrial Technology Fashion and Apparel - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 559 - Procurement of Computer Tables and Chairs for the BSIS Computer Laboratories at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 558 - Procurement of Various Janitorial Supplies for the University

RFQ 23- 557 - Procurement of Chairs for the Classroom at Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 556 - Procurement of Dental Unit and Chair for the Dental Clinic use at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 550 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Canteen Roof Extension at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 547 - Procurement of Fire Extinguishers for the Computer Laboratories and Data Center Equipement of the Four Campuses

RFQ 23- 542 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Water Pumping Station at Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 23- 541 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Instructional use of BSHM - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 539 - Procurement of Various Kitchenware for Instructional use of BSHM - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 536 - Procurement of Research Journal of Education, Science and Technology (RJEST) Online System for the Research and Development Unit - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 533 - Procurement of Bookshelves and Chair for the Gender and Development (GAD) Corner in Library at Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 532 - Procurement of One (1) Unit All in One Desktop Computer for the Director of the Advanced Education Programs - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 531 - Procurement of IT Equipment and Supplies for the Office of Students Affairs Services - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 530 - Procurement of Fifteen (15) Television for ARTA Requirement for the University

RFQ 23- 528 - Procurement of Riso Machine and Photocopier for the College of Criminal Justice Office - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 527 - Procurement of Air-Comditioning Units for the University Hometel - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 525 - Procurement of Various Appliances for the University Hometel use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 523 - Procurement of Furniture for the Four (4) Campuses

RFQ 23- 521 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Female Dormitory's Shower and Laundry Area at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 520 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Provision of Female Dormitory Perimeter Fence and Study Area at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 519 - Procurement of Electrical & Electronics Supplies for Instructional use of BTVTED Program at Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 518 - Procurement of Windows Blinds for Faculty Room and Chairperson's Office of the College of Fisheries at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 517 - Procurement of Air-Conditioning Units with Installation for the Faculty and Deans Office at Binalbagan

RFQ 23- 515 - Procurement of Consolidated Janitorial Supplies for the University

RFQ 23- 511 - Procurement of Paper, Multicopy for the Office and Examination use of the University

RFQ 23- 510 - Procurement of Furniture for the College of Industrial Technology Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 509 - Procurement of Air-Conditioning Unit for the Guidance Office - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 508 - Procurement of Air-Conditioning Unit for the Dean of the College of Industrial Technology Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 503 - Procurement of Food for the Implementation of the Extension Project Training of Vermicompost on November 4, 11 & 18, 2023 of the Extension and Community Services of Binalbagan

RFQ 23- 501 - Procurement of hydraulic Bench for Istructional use- of the College of Engineering - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 500 - Procurement of Documents Scanner for the Research and Extension Office use at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 499 - Procurement of Circuit Breakers and Motor Pump Materials for the Replacement of Defective Breakers at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 498 - Procurement of Accomodation for the Participants of Wellness Workshops for Stress Management and Work-Life Harmony on December 7-9, 2023

RFQ 23- 497 - Procurement of Food for Participants of Wellness Workshops for Stress Management and Work Life Harmony on December 7-9, 2023

RFQ 23- 397 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the Business Affairs Office use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 396 - Procurement of Kitchenware for the University Cafeteria use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 395 - Procurement of Anodized Showcase and Aluminum Windows Screen for the University Canteen - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 390 - Procurement of Various Electronics Supplies and Materials for the Instructional use of BS Industrial Technology - Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 388 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Laptop for the Board Secretary Office use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 384 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Re-paiting of Administrative Building Lobby at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 383 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Fishpond Roofing at the Ground Floor ETG Building at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 376 - Procurement of Two (2) Units Air-Conditioning Unit for the Replacement of Unserviceable Units atthe OSA Office and Student Conference Room - Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 373 - Procurement of Various ICT Supplies and Water Dispenser for the Implementation of Raise Program (A Funded Project wih PCAAARD) - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 372 - Procurement of Rentals of Sounds and Lights for the RSCUAA Meet 2023 Opening Ceremony at Victorias City Coliseum on September 10, 2023

RFQ 23- 364 - Procurement of Various Medical Supplies for the Sports Fest 2023 - RSCUAA Meet on September (Hosting)

RFQ 23- 362 - Procurement of Medals and Trophies for the RSCUAA VI Sportsfest and Conference on September 2023 at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 361 - Procurement of Industrial Ceiling HVLS Fan with Installation and Commissioning for the Campus Covered Court Ventilation at Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 360 - Procurement of Fabrication of Ten (10) Units Waiting Benches at the Guard House, Lobbies and Halldays - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 357 - Procurement of Various Sporting Goods for the RSCUAA VI Conference and Sportsfest 2023 at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 356 - Procurement of Food, Accommodation and Venue for the Conduct of Batch 1 Training OPN Navigation Education from Higher Ground Through Whole-Brain Self-Mastery and Mindfulness Practice on August 23-25

RFQ 23- 355 - Procurement of Digital Basketball Scoreboard for the Sports Fest 2023 - RSCUAA Meet on September

RFQ 23- 353 - Procurement of Various Sporting Goods for the Sports Fest 2023 - RSCUAA Meet on September

RFQ 23- 352 - Procurement of Various Sporting Goods for the Sports Fest 2023 - RSCUAA Meet on September

RFQ 23- 350 - Procurement of Common-use-Supplies and Consumables for the Implementation RAISE Program of the Intellectual Property and Management Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 349 - Procurement of Sofa Bed Set for the Quality Management Office Accreditation use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 346 - Procurement of ID Lanyard and ID Card Holder/Case for RSCUAA VI Sportesfest and Conference on September 2023

RFQ 23- 342 - Procurement of Chairs and Computer Table for the Bidding Room and Procurement Management Office use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 339 - Procurement of Additional Textbooks and learning Resources for the Faculty and Students of Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 338 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Additional Space for Guidance Office at Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 334 - Procurement of Various Kitchenware for the Sports Fest 2023 - RSCUAA Meet on September 2023

RFQ 23- 333 - Procurement of Various Sporting Goods for Sports Fest 2023 - RSCUAA Meet on September, 2023

RFQ 23- 332 - Procurement of VFD/PLC Training System CHED IDIG Interactive Laboratory Learning System Upgrades for Electronics and Electrical Technology Courses - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 331 - Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for RSCUAA Preparation, Tiles Rehabilitaion, Masonry Works and Addional Outdoor Lighting System at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 330 - Procurement of for the Techno Bazaar - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 329 - Procurement of Two (2) Units Air-Conditioning for the Techno Bazaar - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 328 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Repainting of University Gymnasium Floor at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 327 - Procurement of Electrical Materials for the Faculty Lounge at LSAB Faculty Room (Second Floor to Third Floor) - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 326 - Procurement of Customized Chairs and Cabinet for the Faculty Lounge at LSAB Faculty Room (2nd Floor to 3rd Floor) - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 325 - Procurement of Furniture and Fixtures for the Faculty Lounge at LSAB Faculty Room (Second Floor to Third Floor) Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 322 - Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for SCUAA Preparation, Tiles Rehabilitation, Masonry Works and Additional Outdoor Lighting System at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 321 - Procurement of Janitorial Supplies for the Solid-Waste Management of the Universitywide

RFQ 23- 253 - Procurement of Ligths and Sounds Rental for the 2023 Graduation Rites on June 16 and Rehersal on June 14-15, 2023 at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 249 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for the Library Services use - Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 242 - Procurement of Plankton Net, etc. for the ALGAL Productivity Infused with Vernitea Tanks of Research and Development Unit use at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 241 - Procurement of Laboratory Services (Treatments and Replicates) for the ALGAL Productivity infused with Vernitea Tanks of the Research and Development Unit at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 240 - Procurement of Furniture for the Registrars Office use - Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 239 - Procurement of Furniture for the Library Services use at Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 238 - Procurement of Furniture and Curtain for the use of Guidance Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 237 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair and Improvement of OJT Office - Phase 2 at Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 232 - Supply, Delivery, Set-Up and Testing of LED Wall Set-Up Rental and Live Streaming of the Four Campuses during the Graduation Day on June 16 & 19, 2023

RFQ 23- 228 - Procurement of Food and Venue for the Culminating Activity of Graduating Students and ITE OJT Industry Partners on June 9, 2023 of the Four Campuses

RFQ 23- 227 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Conversion of Aqua Laboratory Into School Canteen - Phase 2 at Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 223 - Procurement of Various Furniture for the use of the Office of the Students Affairs Services - Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 220 - Procurement of Various Papers for the Registrar's Office use of the Four Campuses

RFQ 23- 218 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Public Footwash and Retrofitting of Sanitary Fixtures at Public CR at the Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 214 - Procurement of Assorted Books for References of the CBMA Programs - Forune Towne Campus

RFQ 23- 213 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Conversion of MM 2 to OSA, Discipline and NSTP Offices at Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 212 - Procurement of Various Laboratory Supplies for Instructional use of the Laboratory of the College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 173 - Procurement of Polo Shirts to be used by the IQA and Quality Management Team for ISO Related Activities - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 171 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repaid of Damaged Radiator of 250kva Generatoe Set - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 170 - Procurement of Laboratory Supplies and Materials for Instructional use of the College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 168 - Procurement of Labor and Material for the Canteen Canopy Shed Extension - Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 162 - Procurement of Storage Cabinets for the Laboratories Instructional use of College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 152 - Procurement of Industrial Technology Stand Fan for the Campus Ventilation use - Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 151 - Procurement of Monoblock Chairs for the Campus use - Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 150 - Procurement of Field Type Multi-Digital Water Quality Meter for the Red Snapper Project of the Research and Development Unit - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 149 - Procurement of Red Snapper Fingerlings and Feeds for the Red Snapper Project of the Research and Development Unit - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 148 - Procurement of Furniture and Appliances for the Enhancement of GAD Office and Child Minding Facility Extension - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 23- 137 - Procurement of Various Materials for the Maintenance use of the PPDM Office - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 23- 136 - Procurement of Water Quality and Soil Analysis Needed for the Metal Contaminantion in Water Sediments and Tissue of Short-Necked Clam Paphia, Etc. for Research and Development Unit - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 135 - Procurement of Microbial-Chemical & Proximate Analysis Needed for Quality Changes on Marinated Black Chin Tilapia for the Research and Development Unit - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 134 - Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Metal Contamination in Water Sediments and Tissue of Short-Necked Clam Paphia for the Research and Development Unit - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 114 - Procurement of Various Furniture, Customized and Ready Made for COPC Revalidation and PRC Remote Visit Complince Visit Complince for the College of Criminal Justice - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 113 - Procurement of Various Acrylic Sheets for the FABLAB NOCDELIGHT - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 112 - Procurement of Services for the Discharge Water Analysis for Pollution Control Office of the Four Campuses

RFQ 23- 111 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for Reference Materials for the Library - Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 110 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Repairs and Maintenance of the University-wide

RFQ 23- 109 - Procurement of Various Maintenance Tools and Equipment for the Repairs and Maintenance of the Alijis, Binalbagan and Talisay Campuses

RFQ 23- 105 - Procurement of Various Textbooks to be used by the Faculty for the COPC and AACCUP Compliance - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 101 - Procurement of Various Medical Supplies for the DRRM Office of the Universitywide

RFQ 23- 100 - Procurement of Various Professional Journals (Local and Foreign) Subscription for the CBMA -Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 23- 099 - Procurement of Various Materials for the Repair of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Preparation to the Face to Face Classes - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 095 - Procurement of Thirty (30) Pieces Chairs for the Alijis Campus

RFQ 23- 081 - Procurement of Various Customized T-Shirts for the Inter-campus Meet 2023 of the Culture and the Arts of the University

RFQ 23- 055 - Procurement of Psychological Testing Materials for the Admission Examinantion of Incoming First Year Applicants for Academic Year 2023-2024 for the Four Campuses

RFQ 23- 054 - Procurement of Various ICT Supplies and Materials for the ICT Office - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 23- 052 - Procurement of Air-conditioning Unit for the Replacement of Defective Unit at the CIT Chairpersons Office (Room 310) - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23- 051 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for CBMA Programs - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 23- 048 - Procurement of Dining and Sala Sets for COPC Revalidation and PRC Remote Visit Complince for CCJ Office - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 047 - Procurement of Parrafin Wax, etc. for the COPC Revalidation and PRC Remote Visit Compliance of the College of Criminal Justice - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 046 - Procurement of Padded Stick, etc. for the COPC Revalidation and PRC Remote Visit Compliance for College of Criminal Justice - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23- 045 - Procurement of Two (2) Units Projector for the COPC Revalidation and PRC Remote Visit Compliance for Criminal Justice - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 23-043 - Procurement of Various Medicines and Medical Supplies for the Medical Clinics of the Four Campuses

RFQ 23-039 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Fabrication of Canopy Tents for the Food Concessionaires and Dining Area at the Student's Park - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23-038 - Procurement of Electrical Materials for the Food Concessionaires and Dining Area at Student's Park - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23-037 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Louvers at Engineering and Technology Green Building (Phase 2) - Talisay Campus

RFQ 23-036 - Procurement of Various Medicines and Supplies for the Dental Clinic use the Four Campuses

RFQ 23-016 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Enhancement og GAD Office and Child MindingFacility - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 23-012 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Fabrication and Installation of Door and Window Grills at Training Center Building at CHMSU Fermin Campus, E.B Magalona

RFQ 23-011 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and References by the Faculty and Students as well as Sustainability to COPC Compliance for the Library Services - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-515 - Procurement of Industrial Sewing Machine and Cutting Machine for the Bottle Net Jacket Scaling Up Production use of the Extension and Community Services Program - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-514 - Procurement of Poly Net, etc. for the Bottle-Net Life Jacket Scaling Up Production of the Extension and Community Services - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-513 - Procurement of Journals and Magazine for the Library Services - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-512 - Procurement of Window Blinds for the Library Extension - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-511 - Procurement of Five (5) Units Conference Camera for the BOR, ADCO and ACAD use of the University

RFQ 22-507 - Procurement of Acrylic Stand Signages with Installation for the Library - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-503 - Procurement of Various Printed Journals for Undergraduate and Graduate Program use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-502 - Procurement of Headset with Noise Cancellation for Instructional use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-499 - Procurement of Common Office Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses

RFQ 22-498 - Procurement of Various Consumables for the Printers and Copiers of the Four (4) Campuses

RFQ 22-497 - Procurement of Laptop and Printers for the FABLAB NOCDELIGHT - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-492 - Procurement of Access Points for the Instructional use of ICT - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-491 - Procurement of Lighting Material for Instructional use of the College of Computer Studies - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-482 - Procurement of Steel Cabinets for the College of Criminal Justice Office use - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-481 - Procurement of Two (2) Units Laptop for the Graduate School Library - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-479 - Procurement of Feeds (Trash Fish) for the Red Snapper Project of Research and Development Unit of College of Fisheries - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-478 - Procurement of Various Supplies Samples for Laboratory Analysis of Algal Productivity Infused with Vermitea Tanks of the Research and Development Unit - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-471 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Algal Productivity Infused with Vernitea Tanks of the Research and Development Unit of Collage of Fishries - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-469 - Procurement of Various Supplies for the Metal Contaminantion in Water Sediment and Tissue of Short - Necked Clam Paphia, etc. - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-468 - Procurement of Various Analysis for Laboratory Services for the Metal Contamination in Water Sediment and Tissue of Short - Necked Clam - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-466 - Procurement of Laboratory Services Quality Changes on Marinated Black Chin Tilapia of the College of Fisheries - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-464 - Procurement of ICT Supplies for the Classroom Cabling - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-457- Procurement of One (1) Unit Copier, All in One Multi-Finction for the College of Arts and Sciences Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-454- Procurement of Hardware Supplies and Materials for the Repair and Maintenance of the University - wide

RFQ 22-450 - Procurement of Additonal Textbooks and References for BSIS Professional S Compliance of the Library - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-449 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Air-Conditioning Unit, Wall Mounted, Split Type Minding Facilty (Phase 2) - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-448 - Procurement of IT Supplies and Equipment for the Implementation of RAISE Program (DOSTT-PCAARD Grant) of the IPM/ITS Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-443- Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the Research and Development Services - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-442- Procurement of Various Furniture fot he Sports Office use - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-441- Procurement of Two (2) Units Air-Conditioning Units for CAS Office and Faculty Room - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-438- Procurement of Food and Accommodation for the 2nd Institutional Management Review and Finalization of Institutional COTO of Twenty-Sex(26) Participants/Attendees on October 24-25, 2022

RFQ 22-437- Procurement of Various Textbooks for Subject References of the Library - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-436- Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for Faculty, Students and COPC Compliance of the Collge Library - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-430- Procurement of Intergrated Library System Software - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-429- Procurement of Air-Conditioning Units for Various Offices of the University - Fortune Towne and Talisay Campuses

RFQ 22-428- Procurement of SSD and Desktop Computer for Office and Instructional use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-427- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Louvers at Engineering and Technology Green Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-426- Procurement of Printer and Monitors for Finance and Management Office and MIS Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-425- Procurement of Air-Conditioning Units for Medical and Dental Clinics - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-424- Procurement of Two (2) Units Air-Conditioning Units for QAA Accreditation Room - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-423 - Procurement of Various Cooking Laboratory Tools and Equipment for Instructional, COPC and Accreditation of College of Fisheries - Binabalagan Campus

RFQ 22-422- Procurement of Various Fllor and Wall Stickers for Offices, Building and Hallways at Furtune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-420 - Procurement of Salon Stool for Instructional use of Architecural Drafting - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-419 - Procurement of Various Stickers and Signages for Library - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-416 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Enhancement of Records Room (Phase 2) at LSA Building Fourth Floor -Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-411- Procurement of Soil Testing for the Four Storey Multi-Use Research, Innovation and Extension Hub, Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-408- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Transformer Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-404- Procurement of Callper, Vernier, etc. for the Red Snapper Project of the Research and Development Services - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-402- Procurement of Various Furniture for the Replacement of Dilapidated Furniture in ICT MIS - Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-400- Procurement of Two (2) Units Laptop for the Research and Development and Community Extension Services Offices use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-399- Procurement of One (1) Unit Lawn Tractor for the Maintenance of Football Field/University Plaza - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-396- Procurement of Printer and External Hard Drive for the Graduate Studies and Continuing Education Functions - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-391- Procurement of Consumables for Printers and Copier and IT Supplies for the Library Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-387- Procurement of Workstation with Installation for the Four (4) Faculty Rooms at LSA Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-384- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Removal of Existing Dry Wall and Installation of New CHB Wall Partition at Rooms 408, 409, 411 & 412, 4th Floor LSA Bldg. - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-383- Procurement of Two (2) Units Industrial Oven for the instructional use of Foods Trade Technology - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-382- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair of Sound System for the Upcomming General Assembly and Other School Activities - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-379- Procurement of One (1) Unit Field Type Multi-Digital Water Quality Meter for the Red Snapper Project of the Research and Development Unit - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-375- Procurement of Red Snapper Fingerlings for the Pilot Cultures on a Commercial Scale of Red Snapper in Net Pens of the Research and Developement Services - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-372- Procurement of Various Tools an d Equipment for Instructional use of Foods Trade Technology

RFQ 22-371- Procurement of Fire Extinguisher, Refill and Brand New For Various Offices and Hallways of the four (4) Campuses

RFQ 22-366- Procurement of Acrylic Barrier Shield /Acrylic Table Shield with Installation for the Canteen in Alijis Campus and Various Officers in Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-365- Procurement of Two Way Radois for the use of Security Guards of the Four Campuses

RFQ 22-357- Procurement of Lubricants and Tires for the Maintenance of the University Vehicles - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-333- Procurement of Various Furniture for the Physicals Education Department use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-332- Procurement of Various Tools for the instructional use of Automotive Technology - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-331- Procurement of Manual Lathe Machine for the Instructional use of Mechanical Technology - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-324- Procurement of Gas Range, etc for Instructional use of Food Trades Technology - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-322- Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Instructional use of Electronics Technology - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-321- Procurement of Officials Receipts for the Issuance of Cashier's Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-319- Procurement of Air-conditioning Units for Medical and Dental Clinics - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-315- Procurement of Drafting Tables for Instructional use - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-314- Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for Library - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-313- Procurement of Food and Accommodation for the Team-Building Activity of Non-Teaching Personnel (TABBEA) on August 12-13, 2022

RFQ 22-310- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Louvers at Engineering and Technology Green Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-301- Procurement of Medallion and Mace for the University President's Investiture

RFQ 22-298- Procurement of IT Equipment for the Events Video Streaming of the University

RFQ 22-297- Procurement of Kitchenware for the College Cafeteria use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-296- Procurement of Furniture and Fixtures for the Child Minding Facility, Phase 2 - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-295- Procurement of Various Mobile Sound Equipment for the Dining Area, Function Hall and Other Outdoor Needs at Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-293- Procurement of Printed Journals/Magazines Subsciptions for the Library - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-287- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Fabrication and Installation of Movable Stage Platform Extension and Light Weight Post at Gymnasium Stage

RFQ 22-286- Procurement of Supply and Installation of 3rd Build-up CHMSU Logo (ETGB) - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-285- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Child Minding Facility, Phase 2 - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-283- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Child Minding Facility, Phase 2 - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-282- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Railings in IT Building - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-281- Procurement of Various Furniture for Library Gender and Development (GAD) Area - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-279- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Retrofitting of Low Glass Wall at Library Second Floor - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-273- Procurement of Overhead Scanner for Libraries of Talisay and Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-272- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Improvement of Gymnasium Stage and Replacement of the Damage Portion of Roofting Insulator - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-271- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Installation of Steel Frame and Cladding at Gymnasium Stage - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-270- Procurement of Printer for Printing of Communications and Other Related Office Operations - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-269- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Enhancement of Commercial Arcade - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-267- Procurement of Food and Accommodation for 55 Participants for the Three (3) Days Team Building Activities on July 20-22, 2022 - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-266- Procurement of Portable Toilet with Installation of NFS - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-265- Procurement of Plastic Sheeting for Office Supplies of Library for the Three Campuses

RFQ 22-262- Procurement of Various Repair and Maintenance Materials and Power Tools for the PPDM Office of Alijis and Fortune Towne Campuses

RFQ 22-261- Procurement of One (1) Unit Laptop for the Implementation of RAISE Program of the Intellectual and Property Management Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-260- Procurement of Food and Accommodation for the Planning and Policy Making for Research on July 26-27, 2022 - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-259- Procurement of Twenty-Two (22) Units Industrial Fans for the Shops for Preparation of Face to Face Classes - Talisay, Aljis, Binalbagan Campuses

RFQ 22-258- Procurement of Professional Services in the Preparation of DENR-EM Permits and Monitoring Reports form 2018-2022 - Talisay

RFQ 22-257- Procurement of Various Stickers Vinvyl Laminated for the CHMSU Vehicles - Four Campuses

RFQ 22-255- Procurement of ICT Supplies for the Network Peripheral Use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-250- Procurement of Materials for the Scaling-Up of Bottle-Net Life Jacket Production (Start Network) for the Flood Prone Barangay's Talisay City - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-249- Procurement of ICT Equipment for the Office of the President Use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-244- Procurement of Foods for the Implementation of Vermicomposting Sieving Device Training and 4th Alfawa Vermiculture Management systems - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-244- Procurement of One (1) Speaker to be Used for School Activities - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-243- Procurement of Floor and wall sticker for the Preparartion of Limited Face to Face Classes - Four Campuses

RFQ 22-242- Procurement of One (1) Unit Air Conditioning Unit for HRMO use - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-239- Procurement of Wall Fans & Stands Fan for Various Offices - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-238- Procurement of Water Dispensers and Refrigerator etc. for Various Offices of the Four Campuses

RFQ 22-235- Procurement of Various Textbooks and References for Faculty and Students - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-234- Procurement of Smart TV and HDMI 2.0 to be used for limited face to face identified classroom - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-232- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Portable Water Supply Line - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-231- Procurement of Storage Battery, etc. for the College Gymnasium - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-229- Procurement of One (1) Unit Air Conditioning Unit for CIMD for CIMD Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-227- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Foot Bridge Conneting Fishery Technology Laboratory Phase -1 to Phase -2 and Drainage Outfall at Crim. Lab Bldg - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-225- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repainting of Bleachers, Walls & Installation of Mesh Wires at Gymnasium - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-224- Procurement of Electrical Materials & Repainting Materials for the College Gymnasium - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-219- Procurement of Various Furniture for the laboratory facility for CAS-laboratory - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-216- Procurement of Cleaningf & Check-up of all air-conditioning units of the Four (4) Campuses

RFQ 22-215- Procurement of Consumables for Comcolor 7330 & Development Ineo 3070 for the College Printing Press - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-214- Procurement of Fabrication and Installation of a Complete Set of Mechanical Type and Collapsible Basketball Ring Stand ( Materails, Labor and Installation) for College Gymnasium - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-204- Procurement of Alcohol and Megaphones for College Wide Distruction and for Protection Use - Four Campuses

RFQ 22-204- Procurement of Alcohol and Megaphones for College Wide Distruction and for Protection Use - Four Campuses

RFQ 22-203- Procurement of Calibration, Repair & Cleaning of Equipment & Instruments for Laboratory Facility - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-201- Procurement of ICT Supplies for the Graduation 2022 - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-199- Procurement of Various Construction Supplies & Materials for Mangrove Eco-Park - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-194- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Conversion of IT 34 into Internet Center and Enhancement of Computer Lab (Painting, tiling and Electrical - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-193- Procurement of Various Medals for Honor Graduates for 2022 Graduation - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-192- Procurement of Toner for Printing of Diploma for Academic Tear 2021 - 2022- Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-190- Procurement of Diploma Jacket/Holder for 2022 Graduation Acitivity - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-189- Procurement of Furniture for the Library Office Use - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-187- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the REpair and Enhancement of Stage at CHMSU Field - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-173- Procurement of Energy Frink and Vitamins needed for Sportfest 2022 - Intercampus Meet - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-168- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Water Well Drilling and Re-Drilling - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-167- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Cabinet & Ground Floor Room 112 and 113, LSA Building - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-114- Procurement of Window Blinds with Installation for Campus Director's Office and Conference Room - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-113- Procurement of Medicines for the Medical Clinic of the Four Campuses

RFQ 22-112- Procurement of Overhead Scanner for Libraries of Talisay and Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-108- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Body Repair and Repainting of isuzu crosswind SJL-103 - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-107- Procurement of Disinfectioning/Sanitizing Chamber Gate with Installation and Training at the Guard House Entrance - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-106- Procurement of Food and Accommodation for the tow (2) Days Strategic Planning 2022-2026 and SPMS on April 5-6, 2022 - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-105- Procurement of Various Textbooks for Reference of Library Collection for Gender and Development - Alijis Campus

RFQ 22-104- Procurement of Various Textbooks for Compliance to University Conversion and COPC Requirements for the College Library - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-103- Procurement of Various Sporting Goods for Sports Office - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-051- Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Repair and Maintenance of the College - PPDM Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-048- Procurement of Furnitures and Fixtures for Office of the President, College Secretary Office & Conference Room - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-046- Procurement of Polo Shirts for the National Women's Month Celebration on March 8-26, 2022 - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-039- Procurement of Various Textbooks for CHED Compliance of CBMA Programs for Library - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-038- Procurement of Various Textbooks for CHED Compliance of CBMA Programs for Library - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-037- Procurement of Bay Swing Type Door and Bay Sliding Type Window for Glass Partition and Window Enclosure with installation at Library Office - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-034- Procurement of Various Textbooks for COPC Compliance of the Library - Binalbagan Campus

RFQ 22-033 - Procurement of Furnitures Fixtures for Library Extensions for COPC, Universityhood, AACCUP, Compliance - Fortune Towne Campus

RFQ 22-031 - Procurement of Various Furnitures for Student Lounge in the Graduate Studies, Circulation, Periodicals and the AFLEx Spaces in the Library - Talisay Campus

RFQ 22-029- Procurement of Various Textbooks for CHED and Accreditation Compliance of te Library - Alijis Campus(RFQ 22-029)

RFQ 21-405- Procurement of Catering Services (Lunch) for the Cultural Activity and Christmas Party of Job Orders, Agency Guards and Janitors of the Four Campuses(RFQ 21-405)

RFQ 21-397- Procurement ogf Water Storage Tank and Jet Pump for the Relocation and Upgreading of the Overhead Water Tank Tower - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-397)

RFQ 21-395- Labor and Material for the Replacement of Floor Tiles at Library Extension - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-395)

RFQ 21-394- Labor and Material for the Repair and Enhancement Old College Building - Binalbagan Campus(RFQ 21-394)

RFQ 21-393- Labor and Material for the Repair and Enhancement Old College Building - Binalbagan Campus(RFQ 21-393)

RFQ 21-392- Labor and Material Repair and Enhancement of Science Building - Binalbagan Campus(RFQ 21-392)

RFQ 21-388- Procurement of Foods and Venue for the Thanksgiving Celebration for the New Civil Engineers - Talisay Campus(RFQ 21-388)

RFQ 21-336 - Procurement of Various Kitchen Tools for Instructional use of Foods Trade Technology - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-336)

RFQ 21-334 - Procurement of Document Camera and Desktop Computer for the System in Library Common Area - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-334)

RFQ 21-329 - Procurement of Various IT Equipment and Supplies for the COPC, Universityhood, Accreditation, ISO and CHED Compliance for College Library - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-329)

RFQ 21-328 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for COPC, Universityhood, Accredidation, ISO and CHED Compliance for the College Library - Talisay Campus(RFQ 21-328)

RFQ 21-325 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Installation of Jalouplus Type Windows at LSAB Rooms 314-315 - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-325)

RFQ 21-322 - Procurement of Leather Seat Cover and Headrest for Nissan School Bus (SGF-719) 0 - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-322)

RFQ 21-320 - Procurement of Acrylic Table Shield with Installation for Various Tables of Some Personnel of Talisay and Alijis Campuses (RFQ 21-320)

RFQ 21-315 - Procurement of Various Furniture for Research and Extension Center, Fermin Campus (RFQ 21-315)

RFQ 21-314 - Procurement of Various Tools for Construction and Installation of Water System at Research and Extension Center, Fermin Campus (RFQ 21-314)

RFQ 21-313 - Procurement of Fifteen (15) Units Fan for Proper Ventilation at the Library Lobby and Learning Common Area - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-313)

RFQ 21-308 - Procurement of ICT Supplies and Materials for Structured Cabling at fortune Towne and Alijis Campuses (RFQ 21-308)

RFQ 21-307 - Procurement of Various Common Office Supplies for Research and Development Services and Unit Coordinators Offices of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-307)

RFQ 21-302 - Procurement of Curtains, Pillowcases for the Research and Development Services and Unit Coordinators Offices of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-302)

RFQ 21-301 - Procurement of Constant and Falling Soil Permeability Test Set for Instructional of the College of Engineering - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-301)

RFQ 21-298 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Interior Painting of LSA Building Rooms 314 to 315 (Walls and Ceilings) - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-298)

RFQ 21-297 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Installation of Convenience Outlet at LSA Building Rooms 311 to 313 - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-297)

RFQ 21-294 - Procurement of Wireless Interactive Device, Smart TV and Voice Amplifier for Smart Classroom Setup for the College of Engineering - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-294)

RFQ 21-289 - Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of GAD Office - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-289)

RFQ 21-288 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Conversion of Old Clinic to Gender and Development Child Minding Facility - Alijis Campus (RFQ 21-288)

RFQ 21-287 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Repairs and Maintenance of Other Structures at Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-287)

RFQ 21-286 - Procurement of Water Quality Analysis for Performance on a Commercial Scale of Red Snapper in Net Pens with Live Tilapia Prey Input on October - November 2021 - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-286)

RFQ 21-285 - Procurement of Student Record Forms, etc. for the College Libraries of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-285)

RFQ 21-284 - Procurement of Chairs and Tables for Various Offices at Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-284)

RFQ 21-282 - Procurement of Printer, Filling Cabinet, etc. for the Procurement Management Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-282)

RFQ 21-278 - Procurement of Various Vehicle Supplies and Materials for the Maintenance of the College Vehicles - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-278)

RFQ 21-276 - Procurement of Disinfectant Mats with Installattion for the Safety and COVID Prevention of the Three (3) Campuses (RFQ 21-276)

RFQ 21-273 - Procurement of Various IT Supplies and Maintenance of ICT Equipment for ICT Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-273)

RFQ 21-272 - Procurement of Various IT Supplies and Maintenance of ICT Equipment for ICT Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-272)

RFQ 21-238 - Procurement of Various IT Supplies and Consumables for the College Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-238)

RFQ 21-229 - Procurement of Various Musical Instruments for Physical Fitness Center - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-229)

RFQ 21-224 - RFQ 21-228 - Procurement of Sports Equipment for Physical Fitness Center - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-228)

RFQ 21-224 - Procurement of Various Textbooks and Referances for Universityhood, Accreditation and COPC Compliance of CBMA Programs - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-224)

RFQ 21-223 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for Instructional Materials for COPC, Universityhood, Accreditation, ISO and CHED Compliance of the College Library - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-223)

RFQ 21-222- Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Repair of MM1 and MM2 Rooms Extensions Roof for the Proposed Students Affairs Activity Center - Alijis Campus (RFQ 21-222)

RFQ 21-221- Procurement of Various Medical Supplies for the Implementation of Basic First Aid and Rescue Training to Brgy. Volunteers and Tanods for Titser Ko-Pulis Ko Program on August 14-15, 21 and 22, 2021 - B (RFQ 21-221)

RFQ 21-219 - Procurement of Books Ends and Bookshelf for COPC, Universityhood, Accreditation, ISO and CHED Compliance of the College Library - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-219)

RFQ 21-215 - Procurement of Soil Testing for the Conversion of Post-Harvest Laboratory Building Into Two-Storey Fishery Technology Laboratoey Building (Phase III) - binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-215)

RFQ 21-214 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Enhancement of AVR - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-214)

RFQ 21-213 - Procurement of Cleaning and Checking of Three Hundred Thirty-Nine (339) Air-conditioning Units of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-213)

RFQ 21-212 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Conversion of RH 4 to BSOA Laboratory Room - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-212)

RFQ 21-211 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Proposed Human Resource Management Records Room Glass Partition - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-211)

RFQ 21-208 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Proposed improvement of Hallway Roof at Administrative Building Fourth Floor - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-208)

RFQ 21-207 - Procurement of Emergency Lights/Lamps with Installation for Emergency Purpose during Power Interruption, Compliance with Bureau of Fire Protection Requirements, ISO and AACCUP Requirements for Alijis (RFQ 21-207)

RFQ 21-183 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Proposed Ceiling and Wall Cap at Student Center - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-183)

RFQ 21-177- Procurement of Labor and Materials for Proposed Floor Filing at Records Room - Talisay (RFQ 21-177)

RFQ 21-176- Procurement of Labor and Materials for Enhancement of Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-176)

RFQ 21-175 - Procurement of General Pest Control on Selected Areas of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-175)

RFQ 21-168 - Procurement of Various Acrylic Shield/Acrylic Table with Installation for Office Tables of Some Personnel in Talisay and Fortune Towne Campuses (RFQ 21-168)

RFQ 21-167 - Procurement of Red Snapper Fingerlings for Pilot Culture on a Commercial Scale of Red Snapper in Net Pens with Tilapia Prey Feed Input - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-167)

RFQ 21-159 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Instructional use BSIT - RAC Technology, Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-159)

RFQ 21-156 - Procurement of Various Tectbooks and References for Universityhood, Accreditation and COPC Compliance of CBMA - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-156)

RFQ 21-155 - Procurement of Refrigerator and Air-Conditioning Materials for Instructional use of BSIT - RAC Technology - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-155)

RFQ 21-153 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Repair and Maintenance of Facilities - Alijis Campus (RFQ 21-153)

RFQ 21-152 - Procurement of Common use Supplies and Consumables for the 2nd Quarter of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-152)

RFQ 21-149- Labor of Materials for the Enhancement of Electrical Power of Computer Laboratory - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-149)

RFQ 21-148 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for COPC Compliance of the College Library - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-148)

RFQ 21-143 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Repair and Maintenance of PPDM Office - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-143)

RFQ 21-142 - Procurement of Signages with Installation for Library Ground Floor Extension - Alijis Campus (RFQ 21-142)

RFQ 21-138 - Procurement of Silicon Molder, etc. for CHED Handsoap Project of Science Laboratory - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-138)

RFQ 21-135 - Procurement of Common Office Supplies for the Registrar's Office use - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-135)

RFQ 21-134 - Procurement of Various Medical Supplies for the Medical Clinics of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-134)

RFQ 21-132 - Procurement of Various Supplies for the Preparation for Enrollment 2021-2022 and Recognation/Graduation 2021 of Registrar's Office - Alijis Campus (RFQ 21-132)

RFQ 21-131 - Procurement of Hi-Speed Sewing Machine and Working and Lecture Table for Instructional use of BSIT Fashion and Apparel Technology - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-131)

RFQ 21-130 - Procurement of Various Chemicals Detergent for CHED Handsoap Project of Science Laboratory - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-130)

RFQ 21-127 - Procurement of LED Bulbs for Replacement for the PPDM Office - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-127)

RFQ 21-125 - Procurement of First Aid and Water Survival Equipment for the College of Criminal Justice - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-125)

RFQ 21-124 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for COPC and Accreditation Compliance of the College Library - Alijis Campus (RFQ 21-124)

RFQ 21-123 - Procurement of Various Furtinure and Fixtures (Customized and Ready Made/Finished) for the College Library - Fortune Towne Campus (Two-Failed Biddings) (RFQ 21-123)

RFQ 21-120 - Procurement of Colored Ribbon Kit for Collegewide Printing of Institutional ID - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-120)

RFQ 21-119 - Procurement of Orbits Fans and Various Furnitures and Fixtures for Upgrading of Campus Canteen - Alijis Campus (RFQ 21-119)

RFQ 21-118 - Procurement of Journals and Magazines Subcription for Reference Purpose of CMBA Students and Faculty - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-118)

RFQ 21-116 - Procurement of Repair and Maintenance, Supplies and Installation of Exhaust Pipe 400Kva GENSET and Supplies at the Ground Floor of ETGB - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-116)

RFQ 21-114 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies, Consumables for Printer and Furniture for COA Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-114)

RFQ 21-112 - Procurement of Various Office and IT Supplies for ADCO Meetings for College Secretary Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-112)

RFQ 21-104- Procurement of Computer and Document Camera for Extension and Community Services Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-104)

RFQ 21-103- Procurement of Various Supplies for Protection Against COVID-19 in the Conduct of Projects of Extension and Community Services - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-103)

RFQ 21-102-Procurement of ULV Cold Fogger Disinfectant Sprayer for Disinfection and COVID-19 Prevention for the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-102)

RFQ 21-101-Procurement of Proquest Research Library of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-101)

RFQ 21-099 -Procurement of Various Suppliers for Disinfection, COVID-19 Prevention and etc. of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-099)

RFQ 21-098-Procurement of Various Materials for the Production of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-098)

RFQ 21-097 -Procurement of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for PPE and Maintenance of the PPDM Office - Furtune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-097)

RFQ 21-095 -Procurement of Common Office Supplies, Printer Consumables and IT Supplies for the ICT Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-095)

RFQ 21-094 -Procurement of Various Medical Supplies for the Prevention of Acquiring Covid-19 and Other Viral Infections in the Four Campuses (RFQ 21-094)

RFQ 21-093 -Procurement of Materials for Construction of Bamboo Fence and Nets for Pilot Culture on a Commercial Scale of Red Snapper - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-093)

RFQ 21-092 -Procurement of Various Materials for Red Snapper Net Pens for the Operation of the Project for Pilot Culture on a Commercial Scale - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-092)

RFQ 21-085 -Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Maintenance of College Vehicle (ISUZU Crosswind SLJ=139) - Alijis Campus (RFQ 21-085)

RFQ 21-081 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of RH 5 to BSOA Simulation Room - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-081)

RFQ 21-080 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Proposed Medical and Dental Clinic for COPC and Universityhood Compliance - Alijis Campus (RFQ 21-080)

RFQ 21-079 - Procurement of Various Books for COPC and Accreditaion Compliance of the College Library - Alijis Campus (RFQ 21-079)

RFQ 21-078 - Procurement of Plastic Chairs and Reading Table for College Library for COPC Compliance - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 21-078)

RFQ 21-077 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for References of the College Library for Universityhood, Accreditation and COPC Compliance of CBMA Programs - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-077)

RFQ 21-076 - Procurement of Various cleaning and Disinfection Supplies for Instructional use of BSIT Foods Trade Technology - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-076)

RFQ 21-075 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Maintenance of the College Vehicle (ISUZU Crosswind SJL-141) - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-075)

RFQ 21-070 - Procurement of Common Office Supplies for Extension and Community Services Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-070)

RFQ 21-069 - Procurement of Various IT Supplies, Consumables and Printer for Extension and Community Services Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-069)

RFQ 21-060 - Procurement of Common Office Supplies, Curtains and Chair for Research and Development Services Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-060)

RFQ 21-059 - Procurement of Various Electionics Supplies and Materials for Instructional use of BSIT Electronics Technology - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-059)

RFQ 21-057 - Procurement of Various Designs and Installation of Customized Signages for COPC, Universotyhood and AACCUP Compliance of the College Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 21-057)

RFQ 21-056 - Procurement of Fire Extinguisher, Refill for Offices and Buses of the College - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-056)

RFQ 21-055 - Procurement of Various Supplies for AACCUP Accreditation use of College of Industrial Technology - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-055)

RFQ 21-049 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Maintenance of All Light Vehicles and Buses for 1st Quarter - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-049)

RFQ 21-048 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Maintenance of the College Vehicles for 1st Quarter - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-048)

RFQ 21-047 - Procurement of Various Electrical Supplies for Instructional use BSIT Eletrical Technology - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-047)

RFQ 21-044 - Procurement of Various Janitorial Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 21-044)

RFQ 21-041 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Repair and Maintenance of the College - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-041)

RFQ 21-025- Procurement of Various Consumables for Printers in Preparation for 1st Quarter Accreditation of Quality Assurance and Accreditation - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-025)

RFQ 21-020- Procurement of Various Common use Supplies in Preparation for 1st Quarter Accreditation of Quality Assusrance and Accreditation - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-020)

RFQ 21-019- Procurement of Various Textbooks for COPC, Universityhood, Accreditation, ISO and CHED Compliance of the College Library - Talisay Campus (RFQ 21-019)(RFQ 21-020)

RFQ 21-015 - Procurement of Various Supplies for COVID-19 Response of the Four (4) Campuses(RFQ 21-015)

RFQ 21-014 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for References for College Library - Binalbagan Campus(RFQ 21-014)

RFQ 21-013 - Procurement of IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 for Graduate Studies Research and Creative Work Center - Fortune Towne Campus(RFQ 21-013)

RFQ 21-010 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Proposed GAD Office (Ground Floor Three (3) Storey Laboratory Building) - Alijis Campus(RFQ 21-010)

RFQ 21-009 - Procurement of Various Engineering Laboratory Equipment in Surveying Class - Talisay Campus(RFQ 21-009)

RFQ 21-007 - Procurement of Answer Sheets and Test Booklets for Entrance Exam/Instructional Psychology Testing for Four (4) Campuses(RFQ 21-007)

RFQ 21-006 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for COPC, Universityhood, Accreditation, ISO and CHED Compliance of the College Library - Talisay Campus(RFQ 21-006)

RFQ 21-004 - Procurement of Plastics Chairs and Plastic Tables for College Library use (COPC Compliance) - Binalbagan Campus(RFQ 21-004)

RFQ 20-460 - Procurement of Two (2) Units Desktop Computer for HRM Office - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-460)

RFQ 20-456 - Procurement of Shower Enclosure (Local Glass) with Installation for BSHM - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-456)

RFQ 20-455 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Proposed Human Resource Management Office Hanging Shelves - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-455)

RFQ 20-453 - Procurement of Various Fire Equipement and Supplies for COPC Compliance Requirements of Crimonology Dept. - Binalbagan Campus(RFQ 20-453)

RFQ 20-452 - Procurement of Steel Cabinet, Chair and Table for the Polygraph Room Equipment for COPC Requirements - Binalbagan Campus(RFQ 20-452)

RFQ 20-451 - Procurement of Various Science Laboratory Equipment for College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-451)

RFQ 20-447 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Proposed Library Extension, 2nd Floor IT Bldg. - Fortune Towne Campus(RFQ 20-447)

RFQ 20-445 - Procurement of Air Content Apparatus and Soil Permeability Test Set for Laboratory Equipment for Soil Mechanics and Material Testing Laboratory of Engineering Dept. - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-445)

RFQ 20-442 - Procurement of Customize Furniture for the Learning Coommons and Discussion Room of the Library - Alijis Campus(RFQ 20-442)

RFQ 20-442 - Procurement of Desktop Computer for the Establishment of E-Library for COPC/AACUP Compliance - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-442)

RFQ 20-440 - Procurement of IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 for Graduate Studies Research and Creative Work Center - Fortune Towne Campus(RFQ 20-440)

RFQ 20-435 - Procurement of Various Office Furniture for Graduate Studies Research and Creative Work Center - Center Towne Campus(RFQ 20-435)

RFQ 20-430 - Procurement of Four (4) Units Photocopier for Various Offices - Talisay and Alijis Campus(RFQ 20-430)

RFQ 20-426 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Proposed Improvement of Guidance Office - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-426)

RFQ 20-425 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Conversion of Students Conference Room To Students Multi-Purpose Activity Center/Dance Room - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-425)

RFQ 20-424 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Exterior Wall, Windows and Door, Concrete Walk and Interior Re-Painting of the Food Trades Laboratory - Alijis Campus(RFQ 20-424)

RFQ 20-421 - Procurement of Cocktail Shaker, Hand Mixer and Bar Stool for BSHM Instructional use for Compliance to CHED RQAT Recommending to COPC Certificate - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-421)

RFQ 20-420 - Procurement of Storage Cabinets for Registrar's Office - Alijis Campus(RFQ 20-420)

RFQ 20-410 - Procurement of Glass Division with Installation for the Proposed Library extension (Interactive/Discussion Rooms) - Fortune Towne Campus(RFQ 20-410)

RFQ 20-409 - Procurement of Lunch for the Thanksgiving Celebration and Pasidungog to the Retirees and Awarding of Loyalty Certificate to 2019 and 2020 Loyalty Awardess on December 16, 2020(RFQ 20-409)

RFQ 20-405 - Procurement of Windows Blinds with Installation for Bidding Room - Talisay Camppus(RFQ 20-405)

RFQ 20-401 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Digital 3 in 1 Printer/Coloured Scanner and Mono Copier for Registrar's Office - Fortune Towne Campus(RFQ 20-401)

RFQ 20-400 - Procurement of Journals and Magazines Subscription for College Library use - Alijis Campus(RFQ 20-400)

RFQ 20-397 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Engineering and Technology Green Building (ETGB) Ceiling Light Convension to LED Light - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-397)

RFQ 20-396 - Procurement of Various Hardware Materials for the Canteen Roof Repair - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-396)

RFQ 20-395 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Repair and Maintenance of the College - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-395)

RFQ 20-358 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Low Pitch and Leaking Roof Covered Walk Along Administration Bldg. (Phase 2) - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-358)

RFQ 20-355 - Procurement of Desktop 3D Printer and Laser Engraver CNC Router Desktop for the Conduct of Research Proposals - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-355)

RFQ 20-353 - Procurement of Vial Clear Glass, Surgical Gloves and Alcohol for the Conduct of Research Proposals - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-353)

RFQ 20-350 - Procurement of Common Computer Supplies and Consumables fot the Conduct of Research Proposals - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-350)

RFQ 20-349 - Procurement of Common Office and Other Supplies for the Conduct of Research Proposals - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-349)

RFQ 20-348 - Procurement of Acoustic Treatment Panel with Installation for Interactive Room 212 at LSA Building Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-348)

RFQ 20-343 - Procurement of One (1) Unit 4 in 1 Digital Copier with Automatic Document Feeder and Automatic Duplex Unit for the Reproduction of Documents Needed by the College Secretary Office for EXECOM, ADCO (RFQ 20-343)

RFQ 20-342 - Procurement of All In One Desktop Computers with Kensington Lock Security Slot and TV Set for COPC Compliance of Psychology - Laboratory - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-342)

RFQ 20-341 - Procurement of Various IT Supplies for Replacement of Unserviceable Computer Supplies at the Library Office - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 20-341)

RFQ 20-339 - Procurement of Assorted Textbbooks for References of CBMA Graduate Programs and COPC Compliance - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 20-339)

RFQ 20-337 - Procurement of M14 Replica Riffle for ROTC training - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-337)

RFQ 20-329 - Procurement of Various Hardware and Painting Materials for Automotive Instructional use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-329)

RFQ 20-328 - Procurement of Various Kitchen Tools and Supplies for Foods Trade Instructional use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-328)

RFQ 20-327 - Procurement of Various Kitchen Tools and Supplies for Foods Trade Instructional use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-327)

RFQ 20-325 - Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies for Mechanical Instructional use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-325)

RFQ 20-323 - Procurement of Chest Type Freezer, Refrigerator and Working Table for Foods Trade Instructional use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-323)

RFQ 20-322 - Procurement of Polisher and Vacuum cleaner and Pump for RAC Instructional use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-322)

RFQ 20-321 - Procurement of Various Sewing Supplies and Materials for Fashion and Apparel Instructional use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-321)

RFQ 20-314 - Procurement of Various Consumables for the Printer of College Library - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-314)

RFQ 20-312 - Procurement of Various Journals and Magazines for College Library - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 20-312)

RFQ 20-307 - Procurement of Emergency Light/Lamp, LED Type, Rechargeable Twinhead with Installation - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-307)

RFQ 20-290 - Procurement of Various Books for College Library References and COPC and Accreditation Requirements - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-290)

RFQ 20-289 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for COPC and Accreditation Requirements - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-289)

RFQ 20-286 - Procurement of Judo Puzzle Mats for Criminology COPC Compliance - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 20-286)

RFQ 20-281 - Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for RAC Instructional use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-281)

RFQ 20-272 - Procurement of First Aid Kit/First Aid Cabinet for DRRM Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-272)

RFQ 20-269 - Procurement of Common Computer Supplies and Consumables and Common Office Supplies for Various of the College - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-269)

RFQ 20-268 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Instructional use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-268)

RFQ 20-267 - Procurement of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for Instructional use of Electrical Technology Students - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-267)

RFQ 20-258 - Procurement of Human Skeleton, Microscope, etc. for COPC Compliance of College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-258)

RFQ 20-257 - Procurement of Various Laboratory Supplies for COPC Compliance of Collegeof Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-257)

RFQ 20-252 - Procurement of Underwater Camera and GPSMAP 64SC for the Conduct of the Research Abundance and Diversity of Sea Grass Species in Selected Coastal Zones is Sagay City, Neg. Occ. (RFQ 20-252)

RFQ 20-248 - Procurement of Various Manazines and Journals for Reference Purposes by the College - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-248)

RFQ 20-247 - Procurement of Labor and Materails for Proposed Fence Rehabilitation - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 20-247)

RFQ 20-246 - Procurement of Philippine E journal (PEJ) Premium and IGI Infosci Journals for Reference and Instruction Purpose by the College Students and Faculty and COPC Compliance - Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 20-246)

RFQ 20-245 - Procurement of Various Maintenance Power Tools for PPDM - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 20-245)

RFQ 20-244 - Procurement of labor and Materials for Cleaning and Declogging of LSAB and Back Drainage and Rehabilitation of Abandoned Canal - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-244)

RFQ 20-235 - open opportunities (RFQ 20-235)

RFQ 20-233 - open opportunities (RFQ 20-233)

RFQ 20-219 - open opportunities (RFQ 20-219)

RFQ 20-208 - Procurement of Two (2) Units Air-conditioning Unit, Wall Mounted, Split Type with Installation at the President's Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-208)

RFQ 20-200 - Procurement of Various Consumables for Printers and Photocopier of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 20-200)

RFQ 20-198 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Reproduction of Modules for the Four Campuses (RFQ 20-198)

RFQ 20-189 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Implemention of Seminar-Workshop on Dressmaking - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 20-189)

RFQ 20-170 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Improvement of President's Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-170)

RFQ 20-155 - Procurement of Stenography Machine for BSOA Simulation Room and AACCUP Preparation - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 20-155)

RFQ 20-150 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Repair and Maintenance of all light vehicle and school of the college - talisay campus (RFQ 20-150)

RFQ 20-148 - Labor and Materials for the Enhancement of Gymnasium Canopy - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-148)

RFQ 20-146 - Procurement of Various Medical Supplies for Prevetion of Acquiring COVID-19 and Other Viral Infections for the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 20-146)

RFQ 20-144 - Procurement of Tires and Various Textbooks for Reference Purpose of the College Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 20-144)

RFQ 20-143 - Procurement of Tires and Various Supplies for Repair and Maintenance of College Vehicle (ISUZU Crosswind - SLJ 103) - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 20-143)

RFQ 20-141 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Repair and Maintenance of the College - PPDM, Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-141)

RFQ 20-140 - Procurement of Various Power Tools for Repair and Maintenance of the College - PPDM, Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-140)

RFQ 20-137 - Procurement of Non-Touch Face Recognition Biometric Attedance for the Campuses (RFQ 20-137)

RFQ 20-136 - Procurement of Various Computer Supplies and LED TV for Upgrading of Hardware for Enrollment System Servers - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-136)

RFQ 20-131 - Enhancement of Water Supply - Phase 1 (Labor and Materials) - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-131)

RFQ 20-130 - Procurement of Upgrading of Electrical System (Materials with Installation) - Alijis Campus (Phase 2 MM1-MM4 Bldg.) (RFQ 20-130)

RFQ 20-129 - Labor and Materials for ceiling Repair and Re-Painting of PME Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-129)

RFQ 20-128 - Procurement of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for Instructional use for COPC Compliance - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-128)

RFQ 20-127 - Procurement of Various Mechanical Supplies and Materials for Instructional use for COPC Compliance - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-127)

RFQ 20-126 - Procurement of MTS Logic Gates Digital Trainer Kit and Smart Digital Logic Trainer Kit for Instructional use Electronics for COPC Compliance - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-126)

RFQ 20-125 - Procurement Various Kitchenwares for Instructional use of Food Trades for COPC Compliance - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-125)

RFQ 20-122 - Procurement of Industrial Wall Fan for College Gymnasium - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-122)

RFQ 20-118 - Procurement of Various Computer Supplies and Consumables for the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 20-118)

RFQ 20-116 - Procurement of Ad-Blue Additive for Maintenance of the Three (3) King Long Bus of the College - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-116)

RFQ 20-112 -Labor and Materials for Replacement of Front Gate (3) - Talisay Campus(RFQ 20-112)

RFQ 20-111 -Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Low and Pitch and Leaking Roof Covered Walk along Administration Building - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-111)

RFQ 20-106 -Procurement of Circuit Breaker for Replacement of Defective One (1) Set Main Circuit Breaker at the ETG Building - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-106)

RFQ 20-104 -Procurement of Wines and liquor, Bar Tools and Cooking and Baking Tools & Equipment for Instruction use of BSHM - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-104)

RFQ 20-101 -Procurement of Various Science Laboratory Supplies and Equipment for COPC Compliance of CAS - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-101)

RFQ 20-099 -Procurement of Conversion of Old Clinic and Cashier's Office to Crime Laboratory - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 20-099)

RFQ 20-097 -Procurement of the Proposed Waiting Shed Outside the Guardhouse - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 20-097)

RFQ 20-090 -Procurement of Various Common-use Supplies for Executive Director's Office - Furtune Towne Campus (RFQ 20-090)

RFQ 20-087 -Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Repair and Maintenance of Buildings and Other Structures - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-087)

RFQ 20-084 -Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Completion of Hometel Improvement (Phase 2) - Talisay Campuses (RFQ 20-084)

RFQ 20-083 -Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Improvement of Research and Extension Office Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-083)

RFQ 20-082 -Procurement of Book Card, Plastic Jacket, etc. for Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 20-082)

RFQ 20-081 -Procurement of Various Tectbooks for Reference Purposes of the College Library - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-081)

RFQ 20-080 -Procurement of National Newspaper Publication of Notice of Search for Presidency of CHMSC (RFQ 20-080)

RFQ 20-078 -Procurement of Tables, Chairs, etc. for Replacement for the Procurement Management Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-078)

RFQ 20-077 -Procurement of Various Office Furnitures for the Conference Room at the New Supply/Property Building - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-077)

RFQ 20-075 -Procurement of Mirror, Speaker, etc. for Dance Hall and COPC Requirement - Talisay Campuses (RFQ 20-075)

RFQ 20-073 -Procurement of Various Medical Supplies for the Prevention of Acquiring 2019 NCOV and Other Viral Infections - Four Campuses (RFQ 20-073)

RFQ 20-072 -Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Upgrading of Campus Bath House - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-072)

RFQ 20-071 -Procurement of Various Janitorial Supplies, Common Office Devices and Supplies for Board Secretary Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-071)

RFQ 20-070 -Procurement of Various Computer Supplies and Consumables for Board Secretary Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-070)

RFQ 20-066 -Procurement of Various Furnitures for PME Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-066)

RFQ 20-057 -Procurement of Catering Services for Two Days Junior and Young Extensionist Society Seminar - Writeshop on Research Based Extension Project on February 27-28, 2020 - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 20-057)

RFQ 20-052 -Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Improvement of Research and Extension Office - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-052)

RFQ 20-051 -Procurement of Freezer, etc. for the Benefit of HEALP Association Inc. in Hinoba-an (OPAPP Special Project) - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 20-051)

RFQ 20-050 -Procurement of Office Cubicle and Office Table for CBMA Dean's Office - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 20-050)

RFQ 20-048 -Procurement of Various Materials for Enhancement of MM1 Canopy as Temporary Mechanical and Automotive Laboratory - Alijis Campus (RFQ 20-048)

RFQ 20-045 -Procurement of Various Supplies for Dental Mission on February 12, 2020 - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-045)

RFQ 20-040 -Procurement of Various Textbooks for Reference Purposes of the College Library - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-040)

RFQ 20-039 -Procurement of Various Journals for Reference Purpose by the College Students and Faculty - Library, Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-039)

RFQ 20-036 -Procurement of Color Ribbon Kit for ID Printing - ICT Directors Office, Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-036)

RFQ 20-033 -Procurement of Additional Materials for Temporary Kitchen and Shower Cubicles for RSCUAA on February 1-6, 2020 (RFQ 20-033)

RFQ 20-025 -Procurement of Various Sporting Goods for RSCUAA on February 1-6, 2020 (RFQ 20-025)

RFQ 20-022 -Procurement of T-shirt and Polo for SUC and Hired Officials Uniform for RSCUAA 2020 on February 1-6, 2020 (RFQ 20-022)

RFQ 20-021 -Procurement of Various Trophies for RSCUAA 2020 on February 1-6, 2020 (RFQ 20-021)

RFQ 20-019 -Procurement of Various Sporting Goods for RSCUAA 2020 on February 1-6, 2020 (RFQ 20-019)

RFQ 20-017 -Procurement of Multivitamins and Energy Drinks for RSCUAA 2020 on February 1-6, 2020 (RFQ 20-017)

RFQ 20-016 -Procurement of Various Kitchenwares for 2020 RSCUAA Sportsfest and Conference on February 1-6, 2020 (RFQ 20-016)

RFQ 20-013 - Procurement of Various Medical Supplies and Materials Needed for RSCUAA 2020 (RFQ 20-013)

RFQ 20-011 - Procurement of ID Cord with Plastic Protector for RSCUAA 2020 (RFQ 20-011)

RFQ 20-008 - Procurement of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for Temporary Kitchen and Shower Cubicles for RSCUAA 2020 (RFQ 20-008)

RFQ 20-003 - Procurement of Various Athletic Uniforms for 2020 Sportsfest and Conference on February 1 - 6, 2020 (RFQ 20-003)

RFQ 20-002 - Supply and Installation of Transformers and Wires from the Transformer to Student Center MDP - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-002)

RFQ 20-001 - Procurement of Food, Venue and Accommodation for Thanksgiving Celebration for the New Civil Engineers on January 22, 2020 - Talisay Campus (RFQ 20-001)

RFQ 19-399 - Procurement of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the Team Building/Sports Fest and Annual Thanksgiving 2019 for TABBEA Association on December 27-28, 2019 for the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 19-399)

RFQ 19-398 - Procurement of Various Appliances for Laboratory Equipment for the Benefit of HEALP Association INC. in Hinoba-an (OPAPP Special Project) - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-398)

RFQ 19-396 - Procurement of Food and Venue for Two (2) Days Action Planning on December 19-20, 2019 - PME, Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-396)

RFQ 19-394 - Procurement of Additional Institutional Uniform for Faculty and Staff of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 19-394)

RFQ 19-386 - Procurement of Various IT Supplies, Equipment and Consumables for Various Offices - Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 19-386)

RFQ 19-385 - Procurement of Various Common-use Supplies and Materials for Various Offices of the College - Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 19-385)

RFQ 19-382 - Procurement of Various Common-use Supplies and Materials for Various Offices of the College - Binalbagan, Fortune Towne and Talisay Campuses (RFQ 19-382)

RFQ 19-377 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Installation of Wiring System Intended for the Seven (7) Air-conditioning Units at Teachers Education Building - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-377)

RFQ 19-375 - Procurement of Various Materials for Installation of Temporary Electrical Underground Secondary Line from Machine Shop to Automotive Building - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-375)

RFQ 19-374 - Procurement of Paper, Multicopy for Examination use - Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 19-374)

RFQ 19-371 - Procurement of Printer, All in One PC and Various Consumables for BSIT Electrical and College of Education Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-371)

RFQ 19-370 - Procurement of Stand Fan, Television and Various IT Equipment and Supplies for Instructional use of BSHM - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-370)

RFQ 19-368 - Procurement of Filing Cabinets, etc. for College of Education Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-368)

RFQ 19-362 - Procurement of Institutional Uniform for Faculty and Staff of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 19-362)

RFQ 19-361 - Procurement of Various Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Oil for Instructional use of Fashion and Apparel - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-361)

RFQ 19-360 - Procurement of Foods, Venue and Accomodation for a 3-Days Capacity Building Seminar on December 10-12, 2019 - GAD, Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-360)

RFQ 19-359 - Procurement of Foods and Bevereage for Cultural Presentation and Thanksgiving Fellowship of the Four Campuses (RFQ 19-359)

RFQ 19-358 - Procurement of Various IT Equipment, Supplies and Consumables for Various Offices - Talisay Campus and Fortune Tonwe Campus (RFQ 19-358)

RFQ 19-357 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for References of the College Library - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-357)

RFQ 19-356 - Procurement of Access Point, UPS and Cat 5e Cable for BSIS Computer Laboratory use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-356)

RFQ 19-351 - Procurement of Filing Cabinets for Registrar's Office - Binalbagan, Fortune Towne and Talisay Campuses (RFQ 19-351)

RFQ 19-348 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Air-conditioning Unit, Floor Mounted Split Type for College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-348)

RFQ 19-340 - Procurement of Various IT Equipment, Supplies and Consumables for Various Offices - Alijis, Binalbagan and Fortune Towne Campuses (RFQ 19-340)

RFQ 19-339 - Procurement of labor and Materials for the Installation of Glass Window Panes - PPDM, Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-339)

RFQ 19-335 - Procurement of Desktop Computer, Printer and WIFI Router for Guidance Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-335)

RFQ 19-334 - Procurement of Poly-Crustalline Solar Panel, etc. for Instructional use of BSIT Electronics - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-334)

RFQ 19-332 - Procurement of Journals and Magazines Subscription for CBMA for 2019-2020 - Library, Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-332)

RFQ 19-331 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for CBMA Faculty and Students - Library, Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-331)

RFQ 19-330 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for Reference Purposes by the College Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-330)

RFQ 19-322 - Procurement of Various Testing Materials for Entrance Exam of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 19-322)

RFQ 19-321 - Procurement of Various Electronics Supplies and Materials for Instructional use of BSIT Electronics - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-321)

RFQ 19-318 - Procurement of Various Medicines and Supplies for Dental Clinic - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-318)

RFQ 19-316 - Procurement of Stationary Working Table and Stove Table Stainless Steel for Instructional use of BSIT Foods Trade - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-316)

RFQ 19-315 - Procurement of Mixer, etc. for Instructional use of BSIT Foods Trade - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-315)

RFQ 19-312 - Procurement of Various Books for College Library References - Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-312)

RFQ 19-311 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Repair and Maintenance of Various Offices and School Buildings - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-311)

RFQ 19-306 - Procurement of Laptop Computer and DLP Projector for Graduate Studies - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-306)

RFQ 19-299 - Procurement of Ten (10) Units Working and Lecture Table for Instructional use of BSIT Electronics - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-299)

RFQ 19-295 - Procurement of Various Instructional Supplies and Matrials for Automotive, Mechanical and Electronics Technology - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-295)

RFQ 19-297 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Instructional use of Architectural Drafting - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-297)

RFQ 19-292 - Procurement of Various Automotive Supplies and Materials for Instructional use of BSIT - Automotive - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-292)

RFQ 19-288 - Lot Survey for 10 Hectares fot Talisay and Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-288)

RFQ 19-286 - Procurement of Binding Machine and Various Office Supplies for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-286)

RFQ 19-282 - Procurement of Plastic Chairs, White Board and Office Table for College of Arts and Sciences - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-282)

RFQ 19-280 - Procurement of Desktop and Printer for Research Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-280)

RFQ 19-277 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Proposed ICT Building Stair Railings - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-277)

RFQ 19-275 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Repair and Improvement of Overhang Ceiling at 3rd Floor LSA Building - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-275)

RFQ 19-269 - Procurement of Grass Cutter and Heavy Duty Chainsaw fo College Ground Maintenance - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-269)

RFQ 19-268 - Procurement of Rechargeable Twinhead Emergency Lamp for Emergency use during brown out - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-268)

RFQ 19-266 - Procurement of Standard IP Telephone with PoE Adapter Kit for Additional Telephone Requirements for Offices - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-266)

RFQ 19-264 - Procurement of Printer and Consumables for College of Industrial Technology Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-264)

RFQ 19-262 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for Instructional use of College of Industrial Technology - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-262)

RFQ 19-260 - Procurement of Various Materials for the Improvement of Library Roof Gutter System - Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-260)

RFQ 19-257 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Repair of Covered Walk Guard House (Phase 1) - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-257)

RFQ 19-254 - Procurement of Various Sporting Goods for Intramural Meet and Intercampus Meet 2019 (RFQ 19-254)

RFQ 19-253 - Procurement of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for Instructional use of BSIT - Electrical - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-253)

RFQ 19-251 - Procurement of Filling Materials for Ground Improvement and Floor Protection - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-251)

RFQ 19-246 - Procurement of Various Materials for Replacement of Popped Up and Broken Tiles at LSA Bldg. - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-246)

RFQ 19-243 - Procurement of Fire Extinguisher for Fire Safety and Prevention and Compliance with Bureau of Fire - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-243)

RFQ 19-240 - Procurement of Various for the Proposed Filling Shelves/Cabinet for Record's Room - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-240)

RFQ 19-238 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for Finance Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-238)

RFQ 19-237 - Procurement of Various IT Supplies and Consumables for Finance Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-237)

RFQ 19-236 - Procurement of Soil Testing for the Constrauction of Five (5) Storey College Library Building and Construction of Three (3) Storey Annex Building for ETGB (Northwing) - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-236)

RFQ 19-235 - Procurement of Digital Duplicator for Reproduction of Exams and other documents - Business Affairs Office, Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-235)

RFQ 19-231 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for Various Offices - Talisay and Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-231)

RFQ 19-228 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for References of the College Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-228)

RFQ 19-226 - Procurement of Soil Testing for the Constrauction of Five (5) Storey College Library Building and Construction of Three (3) Storey Annex Building for ETGB (Northwing) - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-226)

RFQ 19-223 - Procurement of Color Ribbon Kit for Printing of ID's - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-223)

RFQ 19-220 - Procurement of Rotary Mixer for Instructional use of BSHM - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-220)

RFQ 19-219 - Procurement of Various Matrials for Instructional use of BSHM - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-219)

RFQ 19-218 - Procurement of Printing of 2018 Annual Report - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-218)

RFQ 19-210 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Three (3) New King Long Bus of the College (RFQ 19-210)

RFQ 19-208 - Procurement and Installation of Window Blinds at Second Floor Science and Technology Green Building - Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-208)

RFQ 19-199 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for References of the College Library - Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-199)

RFQ 19-198 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for References of the College Library - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-198)

RFQ 19-197 - Procurement of Magazine Subscription for Library Educational References - Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-197)

RFQ 19-196 - Procurement of Various Books for Reference Purposes of the College Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-196)

RFQ 19-195 - Procurement of Various Books for Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-195)

RFQ 19-192 - Procurement of Fire Extinguisher for Fire Prevention Purposes - Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-192)

RFQ 19-190 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for BAC Secretariat and Finance Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-190)

RFQ 19-189 - Procurement of Printer and Various IT Supplies and Materials for Vice-President of Research and Finance Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-189)

RFQ 19-188 - Procurement of IGI INFOSCI Journals for Online Subscription for Libraries - Alijis and Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-188)

RFQ 19-187 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the Proposed BS Psychology Laboratory and Simulation Room at LSAB Room 316 - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-187)

RFQ 19-184 - Procurement of Food, Venue and Accommodation for Four (4) Days Training Workshop for Crafting the IRR of GAD Code Part II on July 27-30, 2019 (RFQ 19-184)

RFQ 19-183 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Air-conditioning Unit, Floor Mounted Split Type for CAO Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-183)

RFQ 19-182 - Procurement of Various Janitor Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 19-182)

RFQ 19-181 - Procurement of Five (5) Units Bookshelf for library Office use - Talisay campus (RFQ 19-181)

RFQ 19-180 - Procurement of Tubeless Tires and Various Supplies for Maintenance of College Vehicle (Sportivo SJL-143) - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-180)

RFQ 19-169 - Procurement of Tables, Chairs, and Filling Cabinets for Medical Clinic use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-169)

RFQ 19-167 - Procurement of Foods and Beverages for the Capability Building Towards Sustainable livelihood for Sitio Pasil Residents on July 5 - October 26, 2019 - Extension Community Services, Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-167)

RFQ 19-166 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for the Installation of Doors and Windows for the Completion of Hometel Improvement Phase 1 -Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-166)

RFQ 19-165 - Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Completion of Hometel Improvement Phase 1 - Talisay City (RFQ 19-165)

RFQ 19-161 - Procurement of Foods and Beverages with Tables and Chairs Set-Up for Pasidungog 2019 on July 17, 2019 (RFQ 19-161)

RFQ 19-158 - Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Repair and Replacement of Broken Tiles at Administration Building - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-158)

RFQ 19-155 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Air-Conditioning Unit, 2.5HP Inverter, Split Type, Wall Mount for Physics Laboratory - Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-155)

RFQ 19-147 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for Board Secretary Office use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-147)

RFQ 19-143 - Procurement of Grammarly Subcription for One (1) Yearr for Research and Development Services - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-143)

RFQ 19-140 - Procurement of Various Materials for Replacement of Broken and Popped Up Floor Tiles ar ETG Building - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-140)

RFQ 19-139 - Procurement of Various Materials for the Student's Part - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-139)

RFQ 19-138 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Air-Conditioning Unit, Floor Mounted Split Type for HRM Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-138)

RFQ 19-138 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Air-Conditioning Unit, Floor Mounted Split Type for HRM Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-138)

RFQ 19-136 - Procurement of Office Chairs, Tables and Book Shelves for College of Arts and Sciences Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-136)

RFQ 19-132 - Procurement of Various Book Cards, Library Plastic Jacket, Etc. for Talisay and Fortune Towne Libraries (RFQ 19-132)

RFQ 19-124 - Procurement of Various Chemistry Laboratory Supplies for Physics and Chemistry Laboratory - Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-124)

RFQ 19-123 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the Registrar's Office - Alijis, Fortune Towne and Binalbagan Campuses (RFQ 19-123)

RFQ 19-122 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for Library Office use - Alijis, Fortune Towne and Talisay Campuses (RFQ 19-122)

RFQ 19-121 - Labor and Materials for Improvement of Toilet at Room 112, 113 LSA Building (Phase 1) - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-121)

RFQ 19-118 - Procurement of Fins, Diving Boots, Etc. for the OPAPP Special Project at Hinoba-an, Neg. Occ. - Extension Community Services - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-118)

RFQ 19-113 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Air-conditioning Unit, Floor Mounted Split Type for OPAPP Special Project of Extension Cpmmunity Service at Hinoba-an, Negros Occidental (RFQ 19-113)

RFQ 19-108 - Procurement of Four (4) Units Printers and Consumables for Registrar's Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-108)

RFQ 19-106 - Procurement of Binoculars for OPAPP Special Project - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-106)

RFQ 19-105 - Procurement of Chair, Monobloc and Plastic Folding Table for OPAPP Special Project - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-105)

RFQ 19-104 - Procurement of Various Materials for the Septic Vault at CHMSC Fermin Campus, E.B. Magalona (RFQ 19-104)

RFQ 19-103 - Procurement of Food, Venue and Accommodation for a Four (4) day Training/Workshop for Crafting of the IRR of GAD Code on April 23-26, 2019 (RFQ 19-103)

RFQ 19-102 - Procurement of Various Consumables for Printers for the Summer Enrollment use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-102)

RFQ 19-094 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for Reference Purposes by the College Students and Faculty - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-094)

RFQ 19-078 - Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Repair and Maintenance of College Vehicle (Sportivo SJL 139) - Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-078)

RFQ 19-076 - Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the Repair and Maintenance of College Vehicle (Sportivo SJL 143) - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-076)

RFQ 19-059 - Procurement of Various Vehicles Supplies and Materials for the College Vehicle use - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-059)

RFQ 19-054 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the Recognition Program and Graduation Ceremony - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-054)

RFQ 19-053 - Procurement of Bangus Fingerlings for HVLD Project of OPAPP - Pamana - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-053)

RFQ 19-039 - Procurement of Various Electrical Supplies for the Stage Decoration for Graduation Ceremony on April 4, 2019 - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-039)

RFQ 19-036 - Procurement of Various Hardware Supplies for the Stage Decoration, Etc. for Graduation Ceremony on April 4, 2019 - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-036)

RFQ 19-033 - Procurement of T-Shirts for the Participants during the DILG SK Mandatory Training - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-033)

RFQ 19-023 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for References of the Library - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-023)

RFQ 19-021 - Procurement of Various Textbooks for References of the Library - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-021)

RFQ 19-020 - Procurement of Various Books for References of the College Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-020)

RFQ 19-018 - Procurement of Various Books for the College Library - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 19-018)

RFQ 19-012 - Procurement of Labor and Materials for Paiting of Exterior Parts of the D. Guilbert Hall (Covention Hall) and the Interior and Exterior of the Criminology Cottage - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-012)

RFQ 19-007 - Procurement of Various Books for College Library use - Alijis Campus (RFQ 19-007)

RFQ 19-006 - Procurement of Various Books for College Library use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 19-006)

RFQ 19-003 - Procurement of Various Testing Materials for the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 19-003)

RFQ 19-002 - Procurement of Catering Services for Business Diagnostic Session for the Local MSMEs in Hinoba-an Extension Community Project of Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 19-002)

RFQ 18-395 - Procurement of Food and Beverage (Lunch) for Thanksgiving Celebration for the New Civil Engineers and Topnotcher - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-395)

RFQ 18-393 - Procurement of Various Furniture and Fixtures for the BSHM Laboratory use - Talisay Campus (Failed Items) (RFQ 18-393)

RFQ 18-392 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 18-392)

RFQ 18-391 - Procurement of Various Food Processing Equipment and Supplies for BSHM Laboratory - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-391)

RFQ 18-388 - Procurement of Various Athletic Uniforms for the Regional SCUAA Meet 2018 - Talisay Campus (Failed Items) (RFQ 18-388)

RFQ 18-387 - Conduct of the Feasibility Study (F/S) for the Re-opening of CHMSC Laboratory School - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-387)

RFQ 18-386 - Procurement of Glass Sliding Door Steel Cabinets for Various Offices - Alijis Campus (RFQ 18-386)

RFQ 18-383 - Procurement of Various Computer Consumables, Supplies and Equipment for Extension and Community Services Office - Binalbagan Campuses (RFQ 18-383)

RFQ 18-378 - Procurement of Various IT Supplies, Consumbales and Printer for Four (4) Campuses (MDS) (RFQ 18-378)

RFQ 18-377 - Procurement of Various IT Supplies, Consumbales and Equipment for Four (4) Campuses (STF) (RFQ 18-377)

RFQ 18-376 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for HRMO, Finance, & Supply Offices - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-376)

RFQ 18-375 - Procurement of Various Computer Supplies, Consumables, & Software for HRMO, Finance, & Supply Offices - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-375)

RFQ 18-372 - Procurement of Various Athletic Uniforms for the Regional SCUAA Meet 2018 - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-372)

RFQ 18-370 - Labor and Materials for the Improvement of HRM Laboratory Room - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-370)

RFQ 18-369 - Labor and Materials for Proposed Interior Improvement of Dining Hall for BSHRM Laboratory - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-369)

RFQ 18-368 - Procurement of Water Quality Testing for NBCCI Mangrove Assrssment for the Mangrove Rehabilitation and Establishment of Information in Talisay City Project (RFQ 18-368)

RFQ 18-361 - Various Infrastructure Projects (Labor and Materials) - Fortune Towne Campus, Brgy. Estefania, Bacolod City, Negros Occidenta (RFQ 18-361)

RFQ 18-360 - Procurement of Existing FCM/Civil Technology, CHMSC - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-360)

RFQ 18-359 - Procurement of Existing Power House Building in Front of Garage BLDG., CHMSC - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-359)

RFQ 18-358 - Procurement of Poly Nets, Etc. for the HVLD Project of OPAPP-Pamana - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 18-358)

RFQ 18-351 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for the College Vehicle Maintenance (Sportivo SJL 143) - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-351)

RFQ 18-341 - Procurement of Venue Rental/Foods/Snacks for 100 Participants for 2nd UNP-CHMSC National Research and Development Congress on Technology and Vocational on November 14-16, 2018 (RFQ 18-341)

RFQ 18-338 - Procurement of Instructional laboratory materials for Talisay, Velasco (RFQ 18-338)

RFQ 18-335 - Procurement of Various Offices of the Four (4) Campuses (RFQ 18-335)

RFQ 18-331 - Procurement of All in One Printer, Office Chair, Etc. for BSHM Laboratory - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-331)

RFQ 18-330 - Procurement of Hotel Front and Food Beverage Software with emphasis for BSHM Laboratory - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-330)

RFQ 18-327 - Procurement of Sofa Set & Wall Clock BSHM use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-327)

RFQ 18-324 - Procurement of President's Newletter 2017-2018 for Universityhood Documentation - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-324)

RFQ 18-318 - Procurement of Food & Venue for the college awarding ceremony, Talisay, R. Samont (RFQ 18-318)

RFQ 18-317 - Procurement of gament material for the TUKLAS bottle-net life jacket project,Talisay, Villaruz (RFQ 18-317)

RFQ 18-316 - Procurement of material for the TUKLAS bottle-net life jacket project,Talisay, Villaruz (RFQ 18-316)

RFQ 18-314 - Procurement of Tarpulin printing services for the TUKLAS bottle-net life jacket project,Talisay, Villaruz (RFQ 18-314)

RFQ 18-311 - Procurement of sewing machines for the TUKLAS bottle-net life jacket project,Talisay,Villaruz (RFQ 18-311)

RFQ 18-310 - Procurement of Poly Nets/Poly Ropes/Drums/Weighing Scales & etc. for HVLD Project of VPAPP-Pamana - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 18-310)

RFQ 18-302 - Procurement of printers & bar code scanners for the Alijis Campus library, Santes (RFQ 18-302)

RFQ 18-295 - Procurement of Food accommodation for Accreditors & Working Committee on September 17-19, 2018 Binalbagan, Manzano (RFQ 18-295)

RFQ 18-286 - Procurement of One (1) Unit 4 Digital Copier for Accreditation use - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 18-286)

RFQ 18-285 - Procurement of Hotel Accommodation for Accreditation of Alijis Campus (RFQ 18-285)

RFQ 18-284 - Procurement of Hotel Accommodation for Accreditation of Alijis Campus (RFQ 18-284)

RFQ 18-283 - Procurement of Furniture for the Dean, Fortune Towne, Quezon (RFQ 18-283)

RFQ 18-279 - Procurement of Instructional materials for the BSHM, Quezon (RFQ 18-279)

RFQ 18-277 - Procurement of office supplies for accreditaion - Binalbagan, Perante (RFQ 18-277)

RFQ 18-275 - Procurement of computers and printers for the PME office, Marquez (RFQ 18-275)

RFQ 18-274 - Procurement of materials for the construction of auxillary doors for LSAB bldg, Deraja (RFQ 18-274)

RFQ 18-270 - Procurement of an air-conditioning unit for the Finance Office, Bala-an (RFQ 18-270)

RFQ 18-269 - Procurement of Food and Hotel Accommodation for the Greening CHMSC Task Force Team Building & Strategic Action Planning on September 2-4, 2018 (RFQ 18-269)

RFQ 18-262 - Procurement of Food Processing Equipment for the OPAPP program, Binalbagan, Perante (RFQ 18-262)

RFQ 18-259 - Procurement of Table arm chairs for the Binalbagan Campus, Manzano (RFQ 18-259)

RFQ 18-258 - Procurement of supplies for instructional purpose, Talisay, Y. Velasco (RFQ 18-258)

RFQ 18-251 - Procurement of Laptop & Printer for the PME office, Marquez (RFQ 18-251)

RFQ 18-248 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for HVLD Project of OPAPP-Pamana - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 18-248)

RFQ 18-239 - Procurement of supplies for the security personnel, Gallenero (RFQ 18-239)

RFQ 18-238 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for Dean's Office use - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 18-238)

RFQ 18-236 - Procurement of One (1) Unit 4 in 1 Digital Copier for Accreditation use of QAA Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-236)

RFQ 18-234 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for Accreditation use of QAA Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-234)

RFQ 18-232 - Procurement of Various Textbooks Library References use - Alijis Campus (RFQ 18-232)

RFQ 18-221 - Procurement of Office equipment for PSMO, Talisay, Esacion (RFQ 18-221)

RFQ 18-220 - Procurement of Water Dispenser and Various Furniture for College of Arts & Sciences Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-220)

RFQ 18-219 - Procurement of One (1) Unit 4 in 1 Digital Copier for College of Arts & Sciences - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-219)

RFQ 18-214 - Procurement of Hotel Accommodation of Extension Community Projects every Friday and Saturday starting July - August 25, 2018 in hinoba-an, Negros Occidental (OPAPP Special Project-Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 18-214)

RFQ 18-213 - Procurement of labor & materials for the fabrication of file baninets in rooms 103,104,105 at LSAB, Talisay, Velasco (RFQ 18-213)

RFQ 18-211 - Procurement of Additional Reference books for Fortune Towne Campus, Tuble (RFQ 18-211)

RFQ 18-208 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for Intramurals and Inter-campus 2018 - talisay Campus (RFQ 18-208)

RFQ 18-207 - Procurement of Various Furnitures and Fixtures for PME Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-207)

RFQ 18-206 - Procurement of Labor and Materials (Supply, Delivery, and Installation) of Forty (48) Units Orbits for the Ventilation of Various Classrooms - Alijis Campus(RFQ 18-206)

RFQ 18-205 - Procurement of One (1) Unit Laptop for the Board Secretary use - Talisay Campus(RFQ 18-205)

RFQ 18-203 - Procurement of Rubber Matting and Sofa for Business Affairs Office - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-203)

RFQ 18-200 - Procurement of Printing of 2017 Annual Report - Talisay Campus(RFQ 18-200)

RFQ 18-198 - Procurement of Computer Desktop and Laminating Machine for Library use - Fortune Towne Campus(RFQ 18-198)

RFQ 18-196 - Procurement of Common Computer Supplies and Consumables for the Four (4) Campuses(RFQ 18-196)

RFQ 18-195 - Rehabilitation of Drainage System (Phase I) (Labor and Materials) - Talisay Campus, Brgy. Zone 1, Talisay City, Negros Occidental(RFQ 18-195)

RFQ 18-195 - Procurement of Catering Services for Extension Community Projects every Friday and Saturday from July 27 - August 25, 2018 (OPAPP Special Project-Binalbagan Campus) at Hinoba-an, Negros Occidental(RFQ 18-195)

RFQ 18-193 - Procurement of an air-conditioning unit for the PPDM & Records Office, Bala-an(RFQ 18-193)

RFQ 18-192 - Procurement of an air-conditioning unit for the finance & assessment offices, Bala-an(RFQ 18-192)

RFQ 18-191 - Procurement of Fixtures for the Center for External Affairs Office, Talisay, Samonte(RFQ 18-191)

RFQ 18-190 - Procurement of materials & labor for the enhancement of the Business Affairs Office, Talisay, Bala-an(RFQ 18-190)

RFQ 18-188 - Procurement of Furniture for the Executive Director's Office, Alijis, Bugna(RFQ 18-188)

RFQ 18-187 - Procurement of the External Affairs Office, Talisay, Samonte(RFQ 18-187)

RFQ 18-186 - Procurement of Library textbooks & references, Talisay, Maleficio(RFQ 18-186)

RFQ 18-185 - Procurement of computer hardware as portal for students & college personnel to view grades & HRIS concerns, Malapitan(RFQ 18-185)

RFQ 18-176 - Procurement of software for the automation of medical records of students & college personnel, Talisay, Malapitan(RFQ 18-176)

RFQ 18-175 - Procurement of Quickbooks software for instructional purpose, Fortune Towne, Quezon(RFQ 18-175)

RFQ 18-173 - Procurement of Books shelves for the college library - Binalbagan, Poderoso(RFQ 18-173)

RFQ 18-170 - Procurement of Toothbrush and Toothpaste for the Dental Orientation of Four (4) Campuses on July 6, 13, 29, & 27, 2018(RFQ 18-170)

RFQ 18-169 - Procurement of Common Janitorial & Office supplies for the 4 campuses(RFQ 18-169)

RFQ 18-168 - Procurement of printing supplies for the dean's office - Fortune Towne Campus, Quezon(RFQ 18-168)

RFQ 18-167 - Procurement of office supplies for the Dean's office at fortune Towne Campus, Quezon(RFQ 18-167)

RFQ 18-164 - Procurement of materials for the security services, Gallenero(RFQ 18-164)

RFQ 18-161 - Procurement of Forty(40) Tanks Fire Extinguishers for Various Offices of the College - Talisay Campus(RFQ 18-161)

RFQ 18-159 - Procurement of maintenance materials for service vehicle SJL 143, Talisay, Lobresco(RFQ 18-159)

RFQ 18-156 - Procurement of construction materials & labor for the construction of the covered footwalk - main entrance, Alijis, Bugna(RFQ 18-156)

RFQ 18-155 - Procurement of materials for the electrical layout for computers at the Science & Tech bldg, alijis, Bugna(RFQ 18-155)

RFQ 18-153 - Procurement of Supplies & Materials for Accreditation Purposes, IQA Talisay, Alegarbes(RFQ 18-153)

RFQ 18-151 - Procurement of Hotel Accommodation for the Accreditors on June 18-23,2018, Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-151)

RFQ 18-149 - Procurement of Various Supplies and Materials for Accreditation use - Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-149)

RFQ 18-147 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies and Storage Cabinet for the Registrar's Office - Fortune Towne Campus (RFQ 18-147)

RFQ 18-142 - Procurement of Various Supplies for the SK Mandatory Training use on May 17-28,2018 - Center For External Affairs Office, Talisay Campus (RFQ 18-142)

RFQ 18-140 - Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the Registrar's Office - Binalbagan Campus (RFQ 18-140)

RFQ 18-134 - Procurement of Various Consumables for FARGO ID Maker for the Registrar's Office (RFQ 18-134)

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