C-USG officials take oath, undergo orientation;Hinojales is new Student Regent

The elected CHMSU-University Student Government officials of all campuses for Academic Year 2024-2025 took their oaths and underwent an orientation, July 12, 2024, at the Function Hall, Talisay Campus.

They were inducted into office before Vice President for Academic Affairs Jay Estrellas.

The student leaders learned about managing funds from Accountant Ana Fe Leonida. Their queries on the topic were also answered by Budget Officer Mary Ann Bravo.

Meanwhile, Director for Student Affairs and Services Maria Victoria Violanda discussed the Constitution and By-Laws of the C-USG along with the conduct of activities.

The attendees also underwent a lecture and workshop on resolution writing from Atty. Annie Rose Rosales-Cuaysing, Legal Officer.

New Student Regent

After the workshops, the student leaders convened and elected Dermelyn Hinojales of the Talisay (Main) Campus as the new Student Regent.

Hinojales is an incoming fourth-year Bachelor of Public Administration student.

They wrapped up the affair with action planning and responses from student leaders.

The activity was also attended by OSAS Coordinators for Alijis Campus Anelia Bascos, OSAS Coordinator for Fortune Towne Campus Chariz Demapulan, and USG advisers Mark Togores for Alijis Campus, Jonard Linco for Binalbagan Campus, and Oliver Pavillar for Fortune Towne Campus.

New Student Regent Dermelyn Hinojales after being elected into position.
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