INTEGRATING SDGs | Carlos Hilado Memorial State University is now beginning to fully integrate the 17 United Nations Sustainable Goals in its curriculum.
On August 7, 2024, all college deans and program chairpersons of undergraduate and advanced education programs convened for a workshop to integrate the SDGs into CHMSU’s curriculum.

Held at the Functional Hall in the Talisay Campus, VPAA Jay Estrellas welcomed the participants to the workshop while CIER Director Rhoderick Samonte gave a brief background of the 17 SGs.
AVPAA Ma. Riza Manalo introduced the focal persons and members of the committees according to the SDGs and the technical working group.
The participants then mapped the courses to the SDGs with Engr. Michael Forton, Director for Planning, Management, and Evaluation, presenting an example. In the afternoon, the participants presented their outputs and received critiques.

They also learned ways to integrate the SDGs into intended learning outcomes and course activities with Francis Jose Bearneza, Director for Curriculum and Instructional Material Development.
The one-day activity capped off with a syllabus presentation and critiquing of course outputs.