College of Education (COE), represented by its Dean Leizl May C. Tortogo, PhD, Former Dean, Noralyn S. Esona, PhD, Program Chairs namely: Aileen B. Esmeralda, EdD, Gertrudes Anastacia Lopez, EdD., Jomeo Sumalapao, PhD., Medie June Ariston, PhD., Johara Temporosa, Rosemary Trecho, and Coordinators namely: Vanessa Judith, PhD., Estelita Apelo, PhD., and Sarah Galang, PhD held a virtual internationalization conference with the faculty of Liberal Arts from Prince Songkla University (PSU), Thailand on November 11, 2022 via Zoom platform at the Function Hall, Green Building, Talisay (Main) Campus.
The conference focused on institutional collaboration in research and publications, staff and student exchange, and credit transfer. The group also discussed collaborative programs at undergraduate levels such as trainings or workshops in the areas of English and English language teaching. Director for External Affairs, Rhoderick K, Samonte, Director for Graduate Studies and Continuing Education, Ma. Rosa Caraballe, PhD, and Director for Research and Development Services, Leah L. Fernandez, PhD were also present to give inputs.
The PSU delegates who attended the confereĀnce were Faculty of Liberal Arts Dean Asst. Prof. Dr. Kanda Janyan, Assoc. Dean for Research, Innovation, and Social Responsibility Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kemtong Sinwongsuwat, Assoc. Dean for International Relations and Communication Affairs Asst. Prof. Dr. Zainee Waemusa, Research and Journal Section representative Suchada Kongsawat, and International Relations and Communication Affairs Section representative Arunporn Saetia.