College of Education faculty Sensei Adorador headed the Philippine delegation to the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) 2017 Social Peace Building Exchange last March 19 to 28 in Tokyo, Japan. Adorador is one of only eight delegates fielded nationwide through a competitive application process, besting around 2,000 other applicants to secure the coveted spot on the delegation.
Adorador, a faculty specialist in special education and early childhood education, was keen to benchmark the best practices of the educational institutions they visited, including Nagasaki University. The said university has a progressive school for children with special education needs, as well as a Center for the Study of Peace and Multicultural Coexistence.
Adorador is the first newly hired faculty to go abroad on an international exchange program through his personal application and with assistance from the Center for External Affairs regarding his official travel. In June, he will give an echo seminar workshop to College of Education faculty and students concerning the CEA’s TraVerSE program.