The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Office conducted a workshop on Crafting of Quality Objectives and Action Plan (QOAP) for CY 2023 at the Function Hall, Green Building, Talisay (Main) Campus on November 9, 2022.
The one-day workshop started with the presentation of accomplishments by Vice President for Administration and Finance Rosalinda S. Tuvilla, JD, followed by a report on Strategic Directions, SUC Levelling, and FYDP Concerns from PME Director Roselyn R. Alegarbes, PhD and Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) Feedback and Challenges from QAA OIC Yricka Marie R. Dusaran, PhDTM. For the afternoon, participants were given the time to evaluate the effectiveness of QOAP 2022 and draft their new QOAP based on the sessions given earlier.
CHMSU top administrators, including Vice President for Research and Extension Andrew Eusebio S. Tan, PhD, Chief Administrative Officer – Finance Division Atty. Juliet D. Pasustento, PhD, Alijis Campus Executive Director Edwin H. Bugna, PhDTM, Fortune Towne Campus Executive Director Rino C. Del Castillo, PhD, Binalbagan Campus Executive Director Joevelle B. Vergara, EdD, and Unit Directors and Coordinators participated in the workshop.