Top management, office heads present accomplishments, budget proposals during PME session

Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation (PME) conducted a session for the Presentation of Current Year (AY 2022) P/A/Ps Accomplishments for Evaluation and Budget Hearing for AY 2023-2024 at the Function Hall, Green Building, Talisay (Main) Campus on December 9, 2022. PME Director Roselyn R. Alegarbes, PhD facilitated the activity.

Vice President for Administration and Finance Rosalinda Tuvilla, JD said in her opening remarks that the session was a good opportunity for the different units and offices of the four campuses to review past activities and plan for the next Academic Year. President Norberto P. Mangulabnan, PhD joined the session via Zoom and gave a brief message.

After the presentation of accomplishments and budget proposals by the top management and office heads, an open forum was held.

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