Six Bachelor of Arts in Social Science student researchers clinched the third place in the Research Oral Presentation Student Category of the College of Arts and Sciences Research Caravan at the University of St. Lasalle Bacolod on February 28.
BA SocSci 4A students Jinky Alpetche, Antonette Bautista, Genrick Catalonia, Kate Cutamora, Ronalyn Prias, Raven Cheyenne Salanap wrote the research paper, “SUGILANON: Children in Conflict with the Law through the Lens of the Youth Led Transformational Programs” which was hailed one of the top papers among the 12 teams during the tilt.
The study explores the stories of children in conflict with the law and the transformational programs of youth-led organizations, revealing that these programs support holistic development.
May Peracullo supervised the team, with Joyzel Rey Garcia as the thesis advisor.
“Our hard work has paid off! We didn’t expect to win considering the promising interdisciplinary researches presented from fields such as biology, psychology, political science, and linguistics of the other proponents,” shared Catalonia adding that they are still on cloud nine after their oral presentation.
According to Catalonia, they always emphasized in each of their thesis defenses that children in conflict with the law should be in the spotlight.
Often, they need to be thoroughly researched because of their nature, as they are confined to the Social Development Center.
“We should be brave enough to step out of our comfort zones and not limit ourselves to the four walls of our campus,” he added. Catalonia expressed hope that CHMSU will soon establish an ethical review board committee for undergraduate theses, as this is crucial when presenting beyond the borders of the university. (by Jerenel Gutierrez)