Engineering Mathematics Preparedness Test (EMPT) for AY 2023-2024

Announcement from the College of Engineering – Talisay (Main) Campus

For BSCE applicants for AY 2023-2024, the Engineering Mathematics Preparedness Test (EMPT) will be conducted online on June 10, 2023 at 10:00 AM.


  1. Go to the provided link of your assigned virtual testing room at least 10 minutes before the test.
  2. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection, and your device has functional camera and microphone that can be turned on for the entire duration of the test.
  3. Be ready with your school ID with picture for verification of your identity.
  4. Prepare paper/s for your solutions (either bond paper or yellow pad). These shall be submitted through email to support your answers. Calculators are not allowed during the test.

For any questions, you may call the College of Engineering – Talisay Campus at telephone number 712-0005 local 130. Thank you.

Virtual room assignments:

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