In observance of Philippine Heart Month, everyone is encouraged to join this simple daily challenge for a healthy heart!

Meatless Monday
Lessen the amount or remove red and processed meat from your meals today. Instead, eat a diet high in fish, fruits and vegetables, legumes, grains and healthy nuts.
According to the Philippine Statistics Office (PSA), cardiovascular diseases or diseases of the heart and blood vessels are part of the larger group of noncommunicable diseases which accounted for 72% of deaths in the country in 2021.
Studies have shown that the high amount of saturated fat in red meat can increase LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, which is a risk factor for heart disease. Meanwhile, processed meats are often very high in salt and contain other preservatives that, with excessive intake, can increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

Time Out Tuesday
Stress can raise your blood pressure and lower good HDL cholesterol. Studies also link stress to changes in the way blood clots, which makes a heart attack more likely.
Find time to take a break from work or school, spend time with your loved ones, or take up good hobbies that can help you unwind. If you find it hard manage stress and it causes constant anxiety, you can seek professional help.

Workout Wednesday
Since the heart is a muscle, regular exercise will help it stay strong and healthy. Exercise lowers blood pressure, helps control weight, and reduces inflammation, which are risk factors for heart disease.
It’s recommended that you spend at least 30 minutes a day to exercise or engage in physical activities.

Thirst First Thursday
When a person is dehydrated, the blood volume in the body decreases. To compensate, the heart beats faster, increasing your heart rate and blood pressure.
By staying hydrated, you can prevent strain on your heart. According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, an adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.

No-Fry Friday
Fried food are high in harmful trans fatty acids because of the hydrogenated vegetable oils that these are usually cooked in. Trans fat is the worst for your health. Too much trans fat in your diet increases your risk for heart disease and other health problems.
Instead of eating fried food all the time, try to eat food that have been steamed, boiled, grilled, baked, etc.