SocSci Guild partners with GAD for symposium against gender-based violence

Social Science Guild, in collaboration with Gender and Development (GAD) Office, conducted “United for a VAW-free Philippines” a Gender and Development symposium against gender-based violence on December 1, 2022 at the Global Learning Cafe, Green Building, Talisay (Main) Campus.

In line with the university’s participation in the 18-day Campaign to End Violence Against Women, the symposium aimed to provide an open platform for the participants to talk about issues concerning gender-based violence and ways to address them.

Student representatives from the different programs of the four colleges in Talisay Campus participated in the event.

The symposium started with opening remarks by Social Science Guild Adviser May C. Peracullo, PhD and brief message from Social Science Program Chair Robert S. Pardillo, PhD. The introduction of the speaker and talk proper followed.

Resource speaker Rose F. Regala, PhD, Binalbagan Campus GAD Coordinator, discussed the definition of gender-based violence and its different forms. In her presentation, Regala cited that although violence is commonly perpetuated by men on women and girls, men also face violence. She also emphasized that gender-based violence is a widespread phenomenon and education for both men and women is essential in ending it.

Regala engaged the students with a simple dialogue to address the question “As a student, what will be your contribution to prevent gender-based violence?” Students gave their opinions and shared their ideas on the matter. Regala ended the session with a list of means to control, reduce, and stop gender-based violence such as proper education, understanding root causes, normalizing mental health support systems, and more.

After, GAD Director Elvie S. Samson, PhD gave a brief message of appreciation to the organization for making the event possible and to the students who participated.

The program concluded with closing remarks from Social Science Guild Co-Adviser Maria Victoria G. Violanda.

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