The College of Arts & Sciences of Carlos Hilado Memorial State University is now accepting applicants to the Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics at Talisay (Main) Campus for AY 2023-2024.
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has approved the opening of the Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics program and has issued the Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC).
Furthermore, the application for screening is still ongoing until July 14, 2023 (Friday). Student-applicant must have at least a Stanine of 5.
Please provide the following requirements for the screening application:
• For SHS Student: Certified True Copy of Grade 11 1st and 2nd Semester Report Card and Certified True Copy of Grade 12 1st Semester Report Card
• For Transferees: Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records
• 1pc 2×2 ID Picture
• Photocopy of School ID
• Long-sized brown envelope with the label at the upper left side of the backside

Please be reminded of the following:
1. The onsite Qualifying Exam and Interview for qualified students will be on July 24 – 26, 2023.
2. Student applicants must bring their black ballpoint pen, a scientific calculator, and a valid ID.
3. The screening process for applicants includes the department qualifying exam, interview, stanine of the CHMSU admission exam, general weighted average.
4. Final admission shall be based on ranking.
5. Applicants must arrive at the location prior to their scheduled time. There will not be any room for rescheduling for applicants who come late or fail to show up as the schedule will be strictly followed.